You know the difference between a suggestion and a hypothetical discussion right? This is hypothetical, its not that he's saying it should have been done, but rather would you like to see how Vegas was before it became a [censored]hole, it's not meant to add anything to the current state of events since it's not a suggestion. It's simply you, in House's time, seeing him and Vegas in their hayday - nothing more nothing less - so quit whining about something we all know isn't going to happen anyway.
Still no, what's the point?
And if hypothetical in a "everything could work!" universe then I'd want the game area to be 5x the size towards the Legion border, have 350 fully voiced Legion characters with tons of dialogue and a crapload of quests.
I'd also like a pack of Talking Deathclaws and a couple of S'Lanter as companions.
And also have Reservation fit into it so I can bombard every town and city with radiation bombs, and with each bombed city it's overhauled.
Hypothetical things seems kinda... Pointless.
So let me restate my opinion on a hypothetical TL with Mr House: I wouldn't care. Cause I'd be too busy with my hypothetical Legion quests and S'Lanter buddies to give a crap.
Pointless is pointless.

(Let me explain in a less dike'ish way: Hypothetically anything and everything can work, so why
would anyone object against a TL Vegas? Since we don't have to be realistic about the game development and nothing has to be cut then... What's the point? Why wouldn't I want a TL Vegas since it won't interfer with the rest of the game development? Seems like a pointless question is all. Hypothetically, I wouldn't care about a TL Vegas though, but I wouldn't object it as it'd give us more content. Then again, since I am a realist I consider hypothetical things to be rather pointless, I can indulge in it's discussions anyway if it intruiges me, what caught me up was the question of said hypothetical feature, which I still consider quite pointless. If it was stated differently then I'd be more fine with it but the current one just seems redundant to me.) ((Sorry if I come off too harsh, I'm having a fever and my mood ain't exactly the best so I might just be nitpicking to eleven.))
Then again, I am the Negative Nancy after all.

But never mind me, I'm just being really pessimistic now.