
Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:06 am

So... Can someone inform me as to what happened between crysis 1 and 2? Or where I can find this out? I would like to know what happened to Nomad and Emerson. Whats up with Tara and Where and why did Profit even get the 2.0 suit? ETC... Anything to tell me or guide me to the information would be appreciated. Unless their was none and Im left to use my crap imagination! LOL
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:53 pm

Nomad and Pscyho are too busy working for Cell now didn't you hear?

On a serious note, no one knows they just decided we wouldn't care (damn them)
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:08 pm

There is a book that crytek made (i forget the name), I havent read it but I assume that this is what it explains. If not, then the next logical move by crytek would be to make a prequel to crysis 2. Maybe it can run on cryengine 3 and make up for the mistakes that they made in crysis 2.

(ps im not a hater, I like the game, but parts are pretty dissapointing)
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:04 am

omg. that is hilarious video. I gotta find that. :)
but if anyone can find the name of that book or anything about maybe a DLC filler or anything to connect the games other than One person from the previous game. that would be great! Profet and Alcatraz are great and all, but I wanted to see all of
Hell. If their is not anything then anyone who cares to give me your theories as to what happened.

Im not imaginitive, but my theory is Profet went there, Nomad and Psycho died, Profet reported, back with his f***ed up suit. Got the new one, had his pissed off dead men walking conversation with Hargreave, went back kicked a$$ to the core of the mothership. found a map and possibly some reaserch samples, went back to Hargreave, found out that Hargreave wanted the suit, Profet said f*** this, went to Gould went to the Marines saw alcatraz dieing... Crysis 2.

Thats my more than half-a$$ theory. anyone care to add to the conversation? :D

*Edit - Sorry for the crappy spelling also.
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