Transport within the common wealth

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:09 pm

I think it would be an amazing idea to let the user be able to fix up an abandoned Car/Motorbike (preferably a Motorbike)and use it as transport within the common wealth.

I think this would be a good idea because adventuring around the huge map in fallout can be more of a chore than an enjoyable experience due to random enemies that can easily kill you, Yes as you get to a higher level most of the enemies become easier but when you are out of ammo or stimpacks and you need to travel a long distance it can make you less confident about the adventure and make it more stressful (especially when there is no autosave).

The vehicles can operate like the power armor depending on fuel to keep them running and having to repair it if you crash them. They should also be able to be upgraded like adding spikes to the front or adding bigger saddle bags to store things in.

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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:08 pm

Can't fix up the old cars - fusion cores are too decayed after 200 years - it's why they blow up so easily, and why they irradiate the area when they do. Besides, the roads are way too messed up to be drivable.

Power Armor is actually a far more efficient ground vehicle for the terrain.

Edit: Incidentally, BoS using recovered tech after 200 years isn't particularly realistic - there's no way they could keep all that running without some sort of manufacturing going on somewhere. Even if they found a huge stockpile of pre-war tech, that kind of time will take its toll on any machine.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:06 pm

The biggest issue would be the terrain, the roads are all messed up. That being Said.............. STARS WARS SPEEDERs OR DESTINY SPARROWS WOULD WORK!!!!

I'm gotta go run and hide now for fear of beating from hardcoe FO Fan-Boys who would crucify me for making this recommendation (quickly run's out of thread and jumps out window).

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kyle pinchen
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:54 pm

The terrain is what make Fallout or ES game hard to use vehicles, why???? bc for it u need alot of more flat areas the the game provide, even road on Falllout arent flats, to make it feel like u are actually in a world where everything is ruin.

I think the addition of the Vertibird is a huge improve, i been using it like crazy to go to settlements that are under attack and is really funny when u coming down u are shooting the attack downs till u land.

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Eve Booker
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