Are you on PC? If so, I believe you can use console commands.
I robbed her when I first met her and she wouldn't sell me anything after that (what a [censored], right?) So I put a bullet in her brain to make an example of her and covered her body with a dumpster.
That'll teach her.
But she's so bad ass!
It's posts like this that make me wish there was a like button.
Thank you for sharing!
You don't tug on Superman's cape. You don't spit in the wind. You don't pull the mask off the Lone Ranger. And you don't mess around with Trashcan Carla.
Pretty much the only solution is to build your own trading stands. I store everything to be sold later in the Diamond City house. Lots of vendors there.
Think it is a bug with Trashcan Carla. I've seen Cricket (another caravaner) get killed by Gunner's, and she stood up again, not once, but three times. I also only have Trashcan Carla's Brahmin wandering around alone. But since I haven't build anything regarding settlements, I haven't been bothered to look up her console code to respawn her.
Not 100% sure, but certain NPCs go down in to their "disabled" pose when their health is depleted. Enemy AI stops targeting them at that point. But they might be killed when in this pose if hit again. By stray bullet for example or area effect attack.
Good man, I'd like to do the same with Marcy Long!
You rob her and expect her to do business with you? lol
Eh, you don't want her in your settlement anyway, she's
I didn't know she could die, I've seen her wreck pretty much everyone who crosses her.
She's useful early on because she comes to you, but later on, when you can build your own shops and travel to other vendors, you'll live without her just fine.
Look ! It's a bird. It's a, it's Trashcan Carla.