Actually the trough only increases production and isn't required.
Actually the trough only increases production and isn't required.
Well that's good to know, but placing a trough isn't all that hard or expensive, so I've always had a trough when I bought a Brahmin.. That's probably why I never noticed, eh?
I've never bought a brahmin and only know this because the brahmin brought by settlers was producing fertilizer before i ever placed a trough.
At first, I thought if you placed a trough, brahmin would show up... but they never did, except to pass through or with Carla.
Carla is always hanging around near my turrets in Sanctuary, I guess she feels safe there.
She is only missing when I actually have to sell her things. I think one day I'll tie her up to one of the damn turret to be there when I need a vendor nearby. And I'll surround her with laser trip wires connected to mininukes, in case she escapes.
she.... is helpful when you need to get some Optic, Nuclear, Copper... but ahe is ANYTHING BUT... even her voice sounds like Marge Simpson's sisters.....
To some, this ----> Chip) might make her hot.
They always show up for me. Except at TenPines. Even when I buy one and send it there it either never arrives or leaves within days. It must be something about that place that makes them want to leave.
I've never sent one to Tenpines, but I have them at Sanctualry and even Red Rocket, where there are no settlers. Just Dogmeat and his junkyard girlfriend.
Hah! Dayam- after watching that, I think I shall never give Carla any lip again...
Every time I build a settlement, they show up all on their own. Only just found out you can buy them (and this is my 5th playthrough!). All my settlements have at least one (Sunshine has 4!), except TenPines. They just won't stay there.
I wonder why?
Well, if your brahmins dont appear you can send Trashcan Carla to the Trough and have her produce some lovely fertilizer for u.
Oh man, NINJA Trashcan Karla! She just got even hotter.
Lol i loved watching that. I saw Maccready beat the living hell out of someone using some serious WWE moves.
Other than a character in a past Fallout, I bet there isn't a single other character in a fantasy or roleplaying game that is as "controversial" in her hotness. That is what I love about Fallout and Bethesda's take on it. The themes were established by Interplay long ago, but Bethesda seems to have appreciated the IP for the very reason of those whacky themes, and has done their best to live up to the spirit of the game world.
The only other game universe I can think of that came even close was the original The second edition shifted the flavor quite a bit toward the glossy fantasy theme, but it was still a good game.
Speaking of Hancock . . . did anyone else pick up that Arturo seems to make a lot of "phallic" references? The only one I can recall is "Feel free to test the grips" but it only occurred to me after I heard him make one or two other strange comments.
I once knew a woman who looked (and even sounded) somewhat like Carla. She lived next door, and being a kid, I had a crush... on ehr daughter. However, they more I looked at the resemblance between mother and daughter, and the more I considered what the daughter would be like in 30 years or so, the weaker that crush became...
But you see, forgetting that girl, ended up with my first wife, and I'd have perhaps been better off with Carla's daughter.
I think that horrible deep, raspy, scratchy voice happens when a woman smokes and messes up her vocal cords.
How about the baseball-bat seller? "Feel the heft..."
That is the most disturbing image I've been struck by for years . . . I think I need to take a shower now.
When a man does it we get the ultimate ---->
Motorhead for life!
I smoked 4 packs a day for years, and I didn't get a cool voice... I just dropped dead...