Travel Choices for Elder Scrolls V

Post » Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:06 pm

Travel services didn't make much sense in Morrowind either. Aside from the lack of cliff racer attacks, they should at least some of the time be out there ferrying or carrying someone else somewhere, leaving you to either wait or head out yourself.

Either way I like Oblivion's fast travel, it made painful expeditions to places I've been before a thing of the past. In particular places that no travel service would be offered to.
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Post » Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:19 pm

The travel network system in Morrowind just seemed infinitely more logical, and I definitely found a great deal of immersion in having to transfer off at cities and switch services. It could still be improved, though. Fast travel in Morrowind always had a guaranteed arrival, when in reality, travel shouldn't be that predictable.

Instead of plopping down travel markers that teleport you from Point A to Point B, for instance, the game should process a pathway from your location to your destination, taking into consideration various factors such as height elevation (slows down travel time, density of enemies (delays or interrupts travel), and regional weather percentages. Perhaps even make your character catch a low level disease if you're out with a caravan or something on a particularly stormy journey. Then again, that would be pretty intensive. Instead, how about placing "intermediate" markers along the way? For example, between Seyda Neen and Balmora, certain landmark areas of interest and/or contrast I could think of would be the swamps and Odai River bridge. The game will run through all these intermediate places first and do some checks for height differences, enemies, et cetera.

This may be a bit much, but I think fast travel should generally take up more time than it does in both Morrowind and Oblivion. In Daggerfall, journeys could take months, but even within the confines of one kingdom, perhaps 4-7 days. With the urgency of quest deadlines and the like, it certainly adds another level of consideration and strategy to an otherwise mundane system. :grad:
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:16 pm

Animals arnt stupid they know when they are in danger. Listen to that cranberries song.. Animal Instinct xD

I think horses are lame, and should not be used. Even if I did have a super fast horse, something about it, I'd rather get around on my own two feet. Or through a travel network (yay MW!)

They do have survival instincts, but they can't tell the difference between a wimpy villager and an armed knight so if they are nomally predisposed to attack on sight, I don't think that your gear would have an impact on their decision... especially considering the size of the hostile animals in the realm.

They should have had Guar mounts instead.
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Post » Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:08 am

But they where only in Morrowind but if they export them then maybe.
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:21 pm

But they where only in Morrowind but if they export them then maybe.

I was merely commenting (tongue in cheek) that if they didn't put in horses they would have put in some other form of mounted travel because lots of games are doing that now and they wanted to "keep up".
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:13 am

Ah. :facepalm:
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:19 pm

One more for MW style fast travel. As well as mounts that can be fought from, are generally faster than player characters, etc. I would also love to see real-time boat travel. If you are wearing full plate and try to swim across a lake you will only make it far enough to realize that you can't turn around and will sink. Having zero fatigue in water should = death.

I'm not asking for galleons, (just really really hoping) but c'mon, a rowboat? Not that hard to do. I would also love to see more travellers on the roads. Oblivion had probably as many or less than Morrowind, only advantage was that the ones in Oblivion actually moved. Caravans, legion units, bands of gypsies/thieves w/e.
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Post » Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:59 am

One more for MW style fast travel. As well as mounts that can be fought from, are generally faster than player characters, etc. I would also love to see real-time boat travel. If you are wearing full plate and try to swim across a lake you will only make it far enough to realize that you can't turn around and will sink. Having zero fatigue in water should = death.

I'm not asking for galleons, (just really really hoping) but c'mon, a rowboat? Not that hard to do. I would also love to see more travellers on the roads. Oblivion had probably as many or less than Morrowind, only advantage was that the ones in Oblivion actually moved. Caravans, legion units, bands of gypsies/thieves w/e.
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Catherine N
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Post » Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:34 am

I was merely commenting (tongue in cheek) that if they didn't put in horses they would have put in some other form of mounted travel because lots of games are doing that now and they wanted to "keep up".

Daggerfall had horses. Also, for those who say horses are useless, they aren't useless for those of us who like to role-play and they aren't useless for those of us who wear heavy armor. My black horse is still much faster than I am in Oblivion(even when I have 100 heavy armor skill). Speed is not a skill that I care for or raise very much and with a black horse, one doesn't need to fast-travel if they don't want to. There is your alternative. When I don't want to fast-travel, I don't.

If something is really ruining your experience and you know it, then don't use it or place restrictions on it. Use fast-travel only to get from city to city. Make fast-travel only possible when on a mount. I rarely fast-travel. When I do, it is because I don't want to see the same terrain that I have seen before. I also only fast-travel while on a horse(unless in the Shivering Isles). I don't require a horse to justify a simple game mechanic(You skip your character's repettitive journey, why is that so hard to understand? The same thing is done in Morrowind. Why don't cliff racers attack me on a silt strider?), but for role-playing purposes, I don't make long journeys without a horse to decrease my travel time(Time is actually very precious to me in Oblivion and I don't waste it.) I have also read posts in the Oblivion section using a welkynd stone to fast-travel and other just don't fast-travel at all. Such things are commonly mentioned on the Oblivion forums.

Fast-travel is optionable and possible to limit. I know that from experience. If any of you have a character that can actually move faster than a black horse, than you really shouldn't need to fast-travel. Characters move at a snail's pace in Morrowind, but in Oblivion there are horses. If those horses are too slow for some of you, then you are moving much faster than you are in Morrowind, and so you can choose to limit or not use fast-travel at all. If I and many others can't limit our use of fast-travel or not use it at all, then why can't those who support Morrowind's style of fast-travel? I don't prefer Morrowind's style of fast-travel or Oblivion's style of fast-travel.

I would be fine with whatever Bethesda decides to use because I can limit myself if they give us the freedom to choose how we fast-travel and I can survive with any reasonable, already limited fast-travel system. However, I needed to point out that Oblivion's fast travel system isn't just optional(I know quests in Oblivion are put in far away places, but we can move much faster than we can in Morrowind. If that isn't enough for you, then read what I am about to write), but it can be limited. Many people in the Oblivion section of the forums commonly mention placing restrictions on their characters. For example, I don't use fast-travel unless I am on a horse(except for in the Shivering Isles), I don't trap souls or use souls to recharge my items(role-playing purposes), Except for one time when a Daedric artifact was needed for the main quest, I don't complete any Daedric Quests(part of number 6), I don't join factions that my character should be an enemy with(also part of number 6), I don't use skills that don't reflect my characters' personalities and beliefs, and I don't do anything that doesn't reflect my characters' personalities and beliefs. I even just gave up Azura's Star because I don't trap souls or have any use for an item given to me by a Daedric Prince. I do what I believe will result in a better experience, no matter how "tempting" the things I give up may be. They don't tempt me because they are not what I want to do.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:01 am

will still need a way bigger map for instant fast-travel to be sensible.
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Post » Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:20 am

I say that they reuse the Morrowing style (multiple intersecting methods which combine to form a network), also add back the spells (intervention, mark, recall in spell, enchantment, and scroll forms), and finally reuse the Oblivion fast travel, but add an actual cost to it (going from A to B using map travel will require the game to calculate the cost of using the paid services, as well as a "bribe" fee that grows in distance). The bribe fee being the necessary offset to combat. This fee should be rather significant (i.e. a minimum charge of 250 plus 10 gold for every "mile").

Fast travel in DF required one to pay money in order to travel. In addition, there were multiple ways to travel; taking a boat, moving recklessly, moving cautiously, and staying at inns. Going reckless was faster, but you always ended up somewhere by night, you don't allow yourself to recover, and you could end up in a fight. Moving cautiously prevented most fights from happening, takes longer, and you are not as tired. Going to an inn cost extra money, but you end up recovering. Boats cost a lot of money, but allowed one to speedily travel across the bay.
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Post » Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:28 pm

I put my vote in for a Daggerfall style FT. In Daggerfall, you had several options on the fast travel screen, such as:

Recklessly or Carefully
Inns or Camps

This gave choices that allowed you to actually role play what your character would do, while still providing OB style FT.
I believe the Daggerfall system gives full immersion and convenience at the same time.

The system is not perfect, as you can travel anywhere from the start of the game, but it could have Fallout 3's find then travel style play.
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:03 am

The system is not perfect, as you can travel anywhere from the start of the game, but it could have Fallout 3's find then travel style play.

Wasn't that also Oblivion's style, minus cities?
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Post » Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:48 pm

Wasn't that also Oblivion's style, minus cities?

Yep. In FO3 you can't FT right from the getgo, you had to discover the cities and places first.
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Toby Green
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Post » Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:35 am

Wasn't that also Oblivion's style, minus cities?

You had to actually find everything before you could fast travel to it. Mostly Oblivion's style fast travel, but in OB you could often fast travel to a place after an NPC gave you a location on your map. A good example is the Pale Pass quest, you can travel to the first marker immediately after receiving the quest; as opposed to Fallout 3, were you would have to find said marker on your own.
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Post » Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:30 am

Fast travel? What's the problem? If you don't like it don't use it

We don't want to walk everywhere, just like you. But we are willing to walk at least a little. Morrowind had fast-travel, in the form of silt-striders, ships, teleportation(guild guide and spells) and it was all paid. We just want a system like that back, so that fast travel is no longer just wishing yourself somewhere and it actually makes sense again.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:48 am

You had to actually find everything before you could fast travel to it. Mostly Oblivion's style fast travel, but in OB you could often fast travel to a place after an NPC gave you a location on your map. A good example is the Pale Pass quest, you can travel to the first marker immediately after receiving the quest; as opposed to Fallout 3, were you would have to find said marker on your own.

Finding cities on my own is fun.
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:48 am

We don't want to walk everywhere, just like you. But we are willing to walk at least a little. Morrowind had fast-travel, in the form of silt-striders, ships, teleportation(guild guide and spells) and it was all paid. We just want a system like that back, so that fast travel is no longer just wishing yourself somewhere and it actually makes sense again.

I mentioned those issues in this:

Daggerfall had horses. Also, for those who say horses are useless, they aren't useless for those of us who like to role-play and they aren't useless for those of us who wear heavy armor. My black horse is still much faster than I am in Oblivion(even when I have 100 heavy armor skill). Speed is not a skill that I care for or raise very much and with a black horse, one doesn't need to fast-travel if they don't want to. There is your alternative. When I don't want to fast-travel, I don't.

If something is really ruining your experience and you know it, then don't use it or place restrictions on it. Use fast-travel only to get from city to city. Make fast-travel only possible when on a mount. I rarely fast-travel. When I do, it is because I don't want to see the same terrain that I have seen before. I also only fast-travel while on a horse(unless in the Shivering Isles). I don't require a horse to justify a simple game mechanic(You skip your character's repettitive journey, why is that so hard to understand? The same thing is done in Morrowind. Why don't cliff racers attack me on a silt strider?), but for role-playing purposes, I don't make long journeys without a horse to decrease my travel time(Time is actually very precious to me in Oblivion and I don't waste it.) I have also read posts in the Oblivion section using a welkynd stone to fast-travel and other just don't fast-travel at all. Such things are commonly mentioned on the Oblivion forums.

Fast-travel is optionable and possible to limit. I know that from experience. If any of you have a character that can actually move faster than a black horse, than you really shouldn't need to fast-travel. Characters move at a snail's pace in Morrowind, but in Oblivion there are horses. If those horses are too slow for some of you, then you are moving much faster than you are in Morrowind, and so you can choose to limit or not use fast-travel at all. If I and many others can't limit our use of fast-travel or not use it at all, then why can't those who support Morrowind's style of fast-travel? I don't prefer Morrowind's style of fast-travel or Oblivion's style of fast-travel.

I would be fine with whatever Bethesda decides to use because I can limit myself if they give us the freedom to choose how we fast-travel and I can survive with any reasonable, already limited fast-travel system. However, I needed to point out that Oblivion's fast travel system isn't just optional(I know quests in Oblivion are put in far away places, but we can move much faster than we can in Morrowind. If that isn't enough for you, then read what I am about to write), but it can be limited. Many people in the Oblivion section of the forums commonly mention placing restrictions on their characters. For example, I don't use fast-travel unless I am on a horse(except for in the Shivering Isles), I don't trap souls or use souls to recharge my items(role-playing purposes), Except for one time when a Daedric artifact was needed for the main quest, I don't complete any Daedric Quests(part of number 6), I don't join factions that my character should be an enemy with(also part of number 6), I don't use skills that don't reflect my characters' personalities and beliefs, and I don't do anything that doesn't reflect my characters' personalities and beliefs. I even just gave up Azura's Star because I don't trap souls or have any use for an item given to me by a Daedric Prince. I do what I believe will result in a better experience, no matter how "tempting" the things I give up may be. They don't tempt me because they are not what I want to do.

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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:14 am

I think oblivion's fast travel was better than morrowind. They should just put an
option to turn off/on fast travel.
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:13 am

We don't want to walk everywhere, just like you. But we are willing to walk at least a little. Morrowind had fast-travel, in the form of silt-striders, ships, teleportation(guild guide and spells) and it was all paid. We just want a system like that back, so that fast travel is no longer just wishing yourself somewhere and it actually makes sense again.

I'm not denying that, and I was solely referring to fast travel?

Before anyone else says something along the lines of "Don't like it, don't use it!" or "ITZ OPSHUNAL! HURR DURR!" No. When the game was obviously designed under the assumption that fast travel was going to be the primary means of travel, then it absolutely isn't optional. It was a major aspect of Oblivion's gameplay and to ignore it would be like refusing to use vehicles in GTA.

Basically I would like to see Morrowind's system reintroduced with the addition of something akin to Dragon Age's map progress screen and random battles. Also if you're going to add mounts that aren't worth a damn, then just leave them out of the game.

All. We. Are. Saying. Is. That. It. It. A. Necessary. Option. Not. The. Complete. Travel. System why do I have to go through this in every single travel thread?

Of course it should be used in tandem with a system similar to Morrowinds travel network. All I'm saying is, sometimes I wanna get somewhere. Maybe I'm out of character, maybe I screwed up and need to peddle back, maybe the game bugged out, maybe I'm testing a mod, at the end of it all, fast travel is useful.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:55 pm

I'm not denying that, and I was solely referring to fast travel?

All. We. Are. Saying. Is. That. It. It. A. Necessary. Option. Not. The. Complete. Travel. System why do I have to go through this in every single travel thread?

Of course it should be used in tandem with a system similar to Morrowinds travel network. All I'm saying is, sometimes I wanna get somewhere. Maybe I'm out of character, maybe I screwed up and need to peddle back, maybe the game bugged out, maybe I'm testing a mod, at the end of it all, fast travel is useful.

Isn't that what the "coc" commands are for?
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Penny Wills
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Post » Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:52 pm

Fast travel is useful but when you are going by own foots u will receive more fun where you get there Also your getting lot of exp and money, sometimes u can meet npcs with quest or a special event. :foodndrink:
Morrowind travel style was good, but new Elder Scrolls must be greater! :violin: ;d i'd like to have a system where you dont have maps when you are begining,thats wrong.. You can buy map in shop or get from guy who give u quests.. You should speak to him for maps.. When you have some maps you know names of places and u can get there (anywhere) easily by mount or sometignh like that .. :obliviongate: Im thinking about travel to the moon .. why They didnt do it in any game ?
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:06 am

I liked Oblivions fast travel, but it definitely needed a catch, basically I've got a pair of offers for alternative fast travel.

Danger vs. Money. This is basically daggerfalls system, only with more real dangers, like getting travel interrupted. this way you could pull out fast travel everywhere, but it counts as if you walk to the nearest road and travel on that. Now you can choose to travel with a travelling service or pitstopping at inns for the night. Or you can just travel by yourself straight through the night, but there's a chance of random encounters, ranging from harmless to very harmful.

Fast travel is tide to a mount, with low change of random encounters, basically it a travelling system where there are travelling services, but you can't just pull a fast travel from anywhere, unless you have a mount, otherwise you're gonna have to walk to the nearest travelling service, or hope to find caravan you can hitchhike with.

This is all in addition to a return of the travelling spells.
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maya papps
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Post » Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:56 pm

I would like to turn off all map points and be able to add my own from within the game, like noting things down on your map. So I dont end up with 100s of useless map points, or I can take note of things I've seen in the game.
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David Chambers
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Post » Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:57 pm

Typical Answer to oblivion style with fast travel: "If U Don't like fast travel, don't use it!!!!"

Response to morrowind style fast travel: "Use console command, don't like it? Don't use it!!!!"
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