Which time is the safest to travel? Are there less aggressive creatures/monsters out in the daytime? I was wondering what anyone thought because I have to travel a long way on a DiD character.
Which time is the safest to travel? Are there less aggressive creatures/monsters out in the daytime? I was wondering what anyone thought because I have to travel a long way on a DiD character.
Travaling by night certainly does have its advantages for an assasin.
Yeah, but I like sleeping in those inns at night, lol.
Plus, I feel like there's less vampires during the day.
i only travel by day and I mostly see trolls and wild life. Find a carriage if you can. Night time i ALWAYS encounter Vampires
i mostly travel by day since its much easier to see, but if i do find myself having to travel at night i will but its harder to see where your going.
I prefer travelling by day for the beautiful sights (for me, bright sunshine and clear blue skies make everything look better), and I stick to an area I already know for vampire hunting by night. I'll explore new locales in the daytime.
I get up bright and early for my starts and camp (On PC) when it starts getting dark. Is easier to see your enemies during the daytime and avoid those nocturnal creepy crawlies like vamps even though I've seen none since completing Dawnguard on 360 and don't have it yet on PC.
I tend to travel by day and rest at night. Not only does it make sense, but the encounters are better during the day.
Guess i'm one of the few who prefers to travel by night (look out guys, we've got a hipster over here.) The beautiful amospheric ambient music at night being the main reason.
it doesnt really matter whether u travel during day or night with a slight addition of wilderness Vampire attacks which only happens during Nights If u have dawnguard installed. I Like the day time though even if im playing as a vampire
I can't imagine night being any better than day (and vice versa) except for people who sneak everywhere. And I mean everywhere.
Nighttime could be removed from the game for all I care.
Oh I'm sorry. What I said was:
Nighttime could be removed from the game for all I care.
Night and day. I want darker nights with specific predators and random encounters.