hi, i have a NPC in megaton, i have a travel package to travel to a xmarkerheading near the vault 108 entrance. There is a condition though, only if the stage of the quest is 10. When it is 10, he runs to the gate, goes through it and then runs to the location, though i have sleeped for 5 days solid and he still is not here, ois it coz the NPC has a long way to travel? or just me again lol
Need to check the "no low level processing" checkbox on him, and also he should be a persistant reference if he's not already.
What's happeneing is that without one or both of those things being enabled, he (his persistance) and/or his activity (his processing) is getting "suspended" once he leaves the players loaded 3D area. If you were to follow his path from Megaton to the vault, you'd at some point enter or load the cell where he went into limbo at (however far he made it to) and he'd magically reappear and be still on his way to the vault. Among other things, persistance helps keeps his body in the game world when you're not around, and keeping him in high level processing helps to ensure he doesn't forget what he should be doing when you're not around.