1. Made a vendor chest, checked persistent reference. Set the chest as merchant container in the NPC details. Set it as locked/needs key (and tried without any lock). Set the NPC as the owner.
2. Made the merchant and gave him a merchant class. Made sure he has the sell stuff checked in his AI tab (he sells everything but spells). He has 1000 barter gold.
3. Made sure that the travel packages have 'offer services' checked. Apart from that they have 'must reach location' and 'use horse' checked.
But the merchant behaves like a regular NPC. No option to bring up the barter menu. Only thing I can choose is persuasion or cancel. Why? I set up merchants before successfully so it probably has something to do with the travel packages or that he is riding a horse. Any ideas?
EDIT: I should mention that I get the 'invest in shop' topic once my mercantile skill is above the needed value. Of course I also made sure that the merchant container actually has items to sell inside.