Traveling in the future TES

Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:31 pm

i know this topic might be recurent but i would like to know if an alternative to the horrible fast travel was though off or at least included along the fast travel for the next TES

i know some people, like i read on other forum, will react like "you don't like fast travel don't use it" etc but it's not true that you can really enjoy the game without fast travel since it wasn't designed this way.

In morrowind there was no fast travel but an extensive traveling system: stilt rider, boat, guild guide, mark & recall, due the creation of the fast travel those thing had disapeared in Oblivion. Since skyrim it somehow reappeared but it's skeletic, seriously lack fleshs, cart, house cart deserving more locality since housing add on and boat since dawnguard. So i was wondering if we were seeing a return of the older and less immersion breaking travel way which i wish oblivion and fallout 3 are horrible without using fast travel, yes it's possible to walk the way but it's annoying since the game ain't designed so and it's time consuming.

i hope the next TES even if it still has fast travel will also include an extensive traveling system like morrowind

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Luis Longoria
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