One of the things that really annoyed me during my BETA tests were the loot-chests in dungeons. For those who have not played beta , or didn't get to the 4-man dungeons, here is a quick explanation:
When you are joining a dungeon-party the loot that will drop of mobs is personal. Every player will get his own drops from every mob that get's killed. However, there are also multiple chests that spawn inside the dungeon, easilly 10 or more in The Banished Cells, for example. These chests ussualy contain random on-level blue Bind on Equip loot and there is no roll-system on the loot, the person who gets to the chest first gets the loot. Ok, that's not true, protected by a lockpick of various levels. When you fail the lockpick you will be unable to loot the chests for 5 seconds or so, giving other players the chance to lockpick the chest. Lockpicking is pretty damn easy though...
I don't think i'll have to explain what kind of behaviour this ussualy leads to in most groups, and i don't understand how this archaic loot-distribution system get's implemented in a new MMO when games like WoW have actually very activly changed their loot system through the years to discourage "ninja-looting". I've seen tanks fake-pulling bosses, just to get to the chest behind the boss. Healers letting people die to get some loot. People leaving the groups becasue a plate wearing character took 5 pieces of light armor from chests just so he could sell em to buy his horse. I've played enough MMO's to know that people willl be @ssholes if you let them, and this system promotes it.