Tree is not a variable

Post » Fri Nov 07, 2014 5:07 am

i get this error as i tried to compile my script:

Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...Compiling "MS_SpawnTeamDremora"...E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\CWThreatCombatBarksScript.psc(194,9): Tree is not a variableE:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\CWThreatCombatBarksScript.psc(249,9): Tree is not a variableNo output generated for MS_SpawnTeamDremora, compilation failed.Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.Failed on MS_SpawnTeamDremora

But i don't access this script from my script ??? How can i solve this, and why does it even appear ? I never touched the CW script

Thats very strange. I can't work while this error appears
Here is my script:

Scriptname MS_SpawnTeamDremora extends MS_SpawnActorsFUNCTIONS  import utilityimport debugActorBase         Property     MS_DremoraWarlock01            autoActorBase         Property     MS_LvlDremoraMelee            autoActorBase         Property     MS_LvlDremoraMissile            autoActorBase         Property     MS_LvlDremoraWarlock            autoActorBase         Property     MS_dunLabyrinthianDremora        autoActorBase         Property     MS_dunTransmogrifyDremora    autoActor             Property     ThisActor            auto     Hiddenbool            Property    evil = true            autoint                 Property    team = 8             auto  Event onInit()    MS_AllSpawnedActors . AddForm (self as Actor)    self.setscale(randomfloat(1.18, 1.3))    parent.spawn_rlvl (team, ThisActor, MS_LvlDremoraMelee, 5, false, "big")    parent.spawn_rlvl (team, ThisActor, MS_LvlDremoraMissile, 3, false, "normal")    parent.spawn_rlvl (team, ThisActor, MS_LvlDremoraWarlock, 2, false, "normal")    if randomint(1, 12) >= 10        parent.spawn (team, ThisActor, MS_dunLabyrinthianDremora, 3, 1, false, "normal")            else        parent.spawn (team, ThisActor, MS_dunTransmogrifyDremora, 3, 1, false, "normal")            endifEndEventEvent onDeath(Actor KILLER)    self.RemoveAllItems()    wait(12)    RegisterForSingleLOSLost(PlayerRef, self)EndEventEvent OnLostLos(Actor akViewer, ObjectReference akTarget)        if MS_TDS.decay_status == 1 && akTarget != None        delete()    endifEndEventMS_PlayerAliasAddSpellsOnLoad         Property     MS_TDS     auto

From earlier forum answers in QQQA i know that this must have something to do with the SKSE (Skyrim Script Extender)

What i tried to fix it:
Copying an older Version of SKSE over the new one.
Deleting all files of SKSE

Nothing worked. The error still appears, even when i don't use any SKSE Functions on my whole mod. I don't know what else i should try, i also repaired skyrim at steam, but still the same error.

Thanks in advance for ANY help!

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carly mcdonough
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