Well since the leafs in the lower right corner can grow through solid rocks, why shouldn't the roots? :biggrin:
Because one of those is easy to fix, and the other is not.
Once seen, it cannot be unseen. It's not a really big deal, but it does make the image look "off"
Of course, I find the tree density in that pic to be insane.
Insane in what way? High? Low? The only other tree problem I see is that there's no big trees, as though the place has been deforested recently. And considering that's quite possibly true, it doesn't seem to be worth worrying about.
it was a legitimate question, i mean we have magic, dragons, elfs, and a plenty of other things that "don't look right" compared to real life. so are you saying they can't grow like that just cause it looks different than the ones in real life? whos to say trees are not a little different in TES?
This is a world with talking tree/lizard/fish people, dragons who speak a language that breaks the laws of physics (not to mention the fact that they're dragons), floating meteors held up by the power of love, and dozens of other things that make no sense.
And you're complaining about trees?
The dragons and elves are deliberate and designed such that they are biologically viable. The Argonians mostly are too. Magic and the Ministry of Truth are things that are explained within game lore. This is an accident of random placement.
Also, the Ministry of Truth is not actually held up by love, but by Vivec. Which is why after the events of Morrowind it fell, and destroyed everything.