Hello my friends! I would like to introduce my sweet creation, The Sweetroll, from Skyrim! Everyone of us loves this sweet from this great game, I do a lot, so I did one real-version of Sweetroll and it had a great success! All of those creations are made by me and they come from my passion about this game
That is just a tribute to my favorite game and I think your too, unfortunately on this forum I can't show nothing, no links, no images, I can't upload my photos neither However if you love this game and if your character has tried a Sweetroll once, you should have a look on what i did, I'm sure you are going to love it!
(just to make me happy!)
I will be more than glad to answer to your questions or giving to you my contacts, such as my email, my FB page or my Etsy shop where you can see all my creations inspired by Skyrim and other!
I'm waiting for you and my Sweetrolls as well
Valeria - Eldelicious