You've played dozens of online FPS, kicked ass hundreds and thousands of opponents, but in this Crysis 2 you feel disoriented and often ended up to be the player "mattress" of situaizone?
Do not worry, you're not alone. Crysis 2 fore some rules that are the basis of most online shooter today and it is no coincidence that in this game you are having some difficulty in extra multiplayer mode.
CheatsFactor, as always, he runs to the rescue and offers in this book a series of hints and tips to improve your technique and to avoid spending most of your time to die. For the more experienced advice may seem obvious, but the only fix in mind could prove a point to your advantage. Let's start!
Let the melee the importance it deserves
Although in recent years we have been accustomed to playing FPS where in a close battle drone killings were performed with instant melee attacks, Crysis 2 is finally restored order making the melee attack as it should be, namely a attack to be used as a last resort because of its low efficiency. In fact, it will take two shots to kill an enemy "normal" and three or four if you have the armor mode enabled. Therefore, if an opponent is approaching you looking for the physical contact not wait for him, but shoot a nice burst of lead to eliminate it very quickly. Remember, however, that if you use the melee attack behind the enemy kill him instantly, even if start a cutscene where you will be fully discovered.
Discover platelets
Crysis 2 on the system implements an interesting series of killings. If, in fact, Call of Duty was enough to kill opponents of raising the counter number and have access to very powerful weapons in Crysis not only have to kill the enemy, but we will also collect the plate that will leave the ground, otherwise the series will not rise . You will not miss them because they emit a pillar of light. Even if you should die not preuccupatevi, because the platelets will stay in place as it will disappear only after a certain lapse of time. In conclusion, this is a great system that came up with those of Crytek disadvantage for players who tend to rhyme still and hidden somewhere on the map.
Otherwise, I'm angry!
Remember that all machines of the game can be used as roofing, but not only. In fact, if we approach one of them, and strike with a melee attack, our alter ego's pull a powerful football style "the angriest of Bud Spencer" with which you can kill your opponent if he is on the side opposite the car. Or, even more useful, you can create a cover in a strategic point on the map.
The tactical display is not useless as it seems
Why bother to tag an enemy when we can shoot straight? It 's true, often the tactical display may appear useless or even counterproductive (you will be helpless when you use it) but if you play as a team can be the trump card of your team. In fact, it may well happen to be away from the action, but you can help and give help to the team with the display indicating the enemies. Your buddies will thank you and the whole team will benefit.
The armor is your friend
How armor is one of the peculiarities of Crysis 2 and is not to be neglected. It 's very important because it is able to protect the transfer of a fraction of all the damage energy. And 'particularly effective against grenades, C4 and hence explosion in general. But that's not all. Once activated will absorb a good portion of the recoil of weapons, making them more precise and lethal. It might also save your skin if you fall from a considerable height, because the decrease plenty of falling damage. So, always pointing finger on the button that activates it. Obviously it is not perfect, his "fault" it is to slow down movements.
Nano-vision is your friend
Nano-Vision is nothing more than a thermal sight, allowing you to see precisely the forms of heat of all allies and enemies in your field of vision and you aiutaerà to choose your targets out of the confusion of all the elements on the screen. Furthermore, it is possible to identify the players with the concealment activated, even if, their heat will be much weaker. Nano-Vision does not absorb a lot of energy and is particularly useful in game modes such as capture the flag where you can defend remaining hidden.
Invisibility is your friend
How many times have you died (in other online shooters) while you were intent to reload your weapon? Many. Well, you see to stop, in Crysis 2 you have the ability to become invisible, use it while recharging and you will avoid to let you surprise by the enemy helpless with my hands busy.
Invisibility is the dream of every hidden Camper worthy of the name, and not just the campers, it is clear. But be very careful not to shoot while you are invisible because not only your energy splatter to zero in a nano-second, but you will also be disturbed by a flash that will create some problems. In fact, if your attack does not immediately kill your opponent that would have the time to respond to the fire, and with your energy to zero would be a big trouble. So, when you are invisible, always remember to turn off this ability before attacking an enemy. Removing the invisibility can also quickly toggle Corazza, just to be more relaxed during the surprise attack, but also remember that the energy that powers these two skills is not infinite.
Do not waste energy but use it in an intelligent way
There are other actions in addition to the skills already seen that consume energy, even running and jumping, then economy. In addition, if the indicator energy is half or less avoid attack and wait for this to recharge. Face an opponent that can activate at any time without the armor that you have the opportunity to do the same, or running to escape divendando invisible is a siuicidio which you can hardly shirk.
Of course it is good to take advantage of the valuable energy using abilities that are best suited to your style of play. If you are particularly good at fighting openly then stored energy for the Armor and activate it when engaged an enemy. If you're more reflective and prefer aggirarvi carefully to map the invisibility will be your belief. All this, as a consequence, also applies when you create a custom class.
Tips for customizing Classes
The sniper
Recommended Weapon: Well, a sniper rifle is just fine
Nanosuit Modules recommended:
Armor: Proximity Alarm
Stealth: Viewer improved
Power: Mira improved or Retriever
The choice of modules in this case it seems quite forced. The proximity alarm for obvious reasons, it is essential for a sniper, unless you want to get caught behind while you're camping. The enhanced display is useful because all the enemies you see through the telescope of the rifle will be highlighted in red, a real boon. For the third module you choose. Obviously, the improved target is always handy for those who must pull precision, but also the Retriever is essential. By Cecchini it will not be easy to go around the map to retrieve the plates of enemies killed, and the Retriever allows you to just acquire them automatically, without moving. The choice is yours.
The Predator
Recommended Weapon: assault rifle / machine gun with silencer
Nanosuit Modules recommended:
Armor: Transfer of Energy
Stealth: Stealth improved
Power: Mobility improved
This configuration is particularly suitable for those who like to move fast without attracting too much attention but have trouble with people who use invisibility. The idea is to take advantage of invisibility to stay hidden, along with the Nano-Vision so you do not have more trouble seeing where they hide the invisible enemies. In addition, the gun will offer you a high mobility and silencer will keep you off the enemy radar.
The energy transfer is the first choice for the armor module for charging a portion of the energy bar every time you kill an enemy. This means that you will be inactive for a period of time less than usual while waiting to turn invisibility. Of course, if you want to put a little more on the defensive, you can always replace this module with enhanced armor.
Improved stealth is a form required for this customization, it speeds up the transition when switching from Invisible to Visible. If you marry this game filosifia fact, the change will be continuous, with this module you will not have to wait long before you start shooting once disabled the invisibility and invisible in the same way you can return much faster.
Finally, the module to improve mobility helps to reduce energy consumption by running and jumping while you're invisible energy that you can use to stay longer invisible. As we have already said, stealth and speed are the key features of this configuration.
The bait
Recommended weapon: Any weapon with graft Holographic
Nanosuit Modules Recommended:
Armor: Proximity Alarm
Stealth: Plotter
Power Point Fire Enhance
This is my favorite dish, the one that will help you eradicate those players who like camperare in dark corners and shoot unsuspecting passers-by. Exploiting the hologram as bait you will come out the hidden enemies they will be very surprised by your attack (cited "caught like a dog that you realize you have mounted a porcupine)." Well refined this technique because the hologram can be used as many times as you like.
The proximity alarm is ideal in this configuration and will keep you a little bit away from campers stationed in rooms or corners of the map.
The Tracker gives you the possibility to see where an opponent has activated the invisibility. Although this will serve very little against those enemies who alternate in the invisibility of the long and unpredictable race, could instead be your trump card against those players who prefer to lurk always in the same places on the map.
One of the more important features of Crysis 2, or invisibility, can become your nemesis in the game where there are many campers who abuse this feature. Using the example configuration above proposal, however, will be much more likely to fall into an ambush.
That's all. If you have other tips to add comments are at your disposal. Good game at all.