I tried..

Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:09 am

With Skyrim coming out I finally decided to rebuy this game and give it another shot. I LOVED Fallout 3 and I like games/movies based in "olden fantasy magic time". This game seemed perfect. I'm starting to replay and I have no idea what the hell is going on or where to go. Everything in the menu and story is confusing and the gameplay seems really bland. Maybe it's because of the games age but I really have no issues playing older games in the past. I keep pushing myself to play it and it isn't working..

I just completed The Path of Dawn mission also.

ps: Yes I'm very excited for Skyrim.
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:11 am

when i first started to play this game i felt the same way, once you begin to understand how the game works (as it takes some time) you will really have with it. although its not near as fun as TES:3
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:46 am

It took me 10 hours or so to get a hang of it and enjoy it to it's fullest. Then I started to understand leveling perfect and the game became boring because every second I dedicated to leveling effiecently.. then I stoped doing that and not caring... so now everything is very much fun :)

So my advice is to hang in there for a lil while until you grasp menues, understand that you just need to explore a lil and go in to your first dungeons and ignore the questlog/take it when you feel like it.

Myself on the second char that is my "main" I havn't touched any quests yet... you take a few steps explore and then do whatever you feel like in that specific moment hard to describe what the game really is about.. I like to think of it as George Costanza.." it is a show game about nothing" ... Just go out there and do / explore what you feel like... the world seems so huge it will take you a while to run out of things to explore, guilds to join and quest with etc and the best part is.. do it with the char you feel like, the time you feel like doing it etc etc.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:08 pm

If you really don't have a problem playing older games, play Morrowind instead. I found it quite a bit more enjoyable than Oblivion (without mods). The only reason I couldn't truly get into it was because I played Oblivion first and I missed the superior combat mechanics. So don't make the same mistake as me, and go pick up Morrowind. :goodjob:
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