Trigger Zones for Worldspace Movement

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:05 pm

As part of my Vampirism Mod, I want to set up a situation where the Vampire can only enter the Towns through physically jumping over the walls. So, I figure I can do something like this :

1. Set Up a Trigger Zone
2. Record the Player's X,Y and Z coordinates
3. COW [Worldspace] (Or just "MoveTo Marker" in world Space if COW doesn't work in Scripts)
4. SetPos X, Y and Z immediately after.

What I need help with is...

1 - How do you set up the Trigger Zones to work multiple times? From what I recall, they only work once and need to be reset somehow.
2 - Is there a GetInCell Command which returns the Worldspace Cell ID? (So for example, it would return something like "Tamriel, 14, -15 if I was in Cell 14, -15 of the Tamriel Worldspace)
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Nana Samboy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:10 am

1 - How do you set up the Trigger Zones to work multiple times? From what I recall, they only work once and need to be reset somehow.
2 - Is there a GetInCell Command which returns the Worldspace Cell ID? (So for example, it would return something like "Tamriel, 14, -15 if I was in Cell 14, -15 of the Tamriel Worldspace)

1. Trigger Zones only need to be reset if you script them that way. If you use an OnTrigger Player block to move the Player (example below) it should trigger every time the Player goes through it.

Begin OnTrigger Player;do stuff with coordinates hereplayer.moveto BlahBlahBlahYackityShmackityend

2. According to the CS Wiki, for GetInCell to work on a Worldspace, a dummy cell has to be used (although it doesn't say how).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:24 pm

Thanks :) That worked perfectly. I had to use PositionWorld instead of MoveTo/COW, but everything seems fine... Except my Z-Rotation is messed-up on Teleport. I believe it is to do with the Tamriel world (Wiki says it is the only one that has the correct Z-Rotation data, since that's the one its based on), but if anyone could resolve this, that would be great :D

Now just the long task of putting in all those trigger zones :( lol
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