Trouble acessing the console

Post » Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:40 pm

Hello, I was having massive trouble trying to access the in game console in Crysis, I understand people are having this problem in Crysis and Crysis 2, the problem for me which somebody on some forum explained had to do with keyboard drivers.

I have a program called glovepie that translates input commands to other input commands (keyboard commands as joystick commands, etc) that woild read my tilde key as "excel" like a specaisl command for opening microsoft excel.

I deleted all the drivers under the "hid input devices" thing in the device manager, including this microsoft infrared thing. by the time I got done my keyboard and mouse didn't work, I just unplugged them, plugged them back in, and just like that, the console works.

also, glovepie now reads the tilde key as "console" instead of "excel"
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Darian Ennels
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