Trouble brewin bug PS4

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:40 am

I got to the part where Buddy was walking back to Goodneighbor...I figured he could get there on his own so I fast traveled and worked on some other quests. A few hours later, I had a few quests to turn in, so I went back to Goodneighbor. Buddy is nowhere to be found. The quest marker leads me inside the city, but once inside, the marker is "outside" the city walls. I tried retracing his possible path to see if he died, but I can't find him. The quest giver has nothing to say either.
Has anyone had this happen to them? I'm on console, so I can't use any commands to bring him back or anything.
Post from reddit, pretty much my problem now. Cant find him, cant finish quest.
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Miranda Taylor
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