I was just wondering if this has happend to anyone else or if it is just an isolated incident? anyway when i was in novac my companions killed the ranger that is in the house next to the shopkeepers house and while i never earned any fame or infamy for this incident i always got attacked by the ncr unless i was wearing their armor which even then the major people in the ncr would attack me. i have made it to being liked by the ncr and i am still getting attacked so i dont know what i can do to get them to stop attacking me i had heard you get pardoned by the ncr after killing benny i put over 50 hours into this game before deciding to attempt this but after i killed benny i was given a note saying i was pardoned by the ncr so i went to the embassy like the note instructed and i was attacked on site i was able to talk to the ambassador but after the conversation he disappeared and and it told me i failed "things that go boom", "king's Gambit" and "Dont tread on the bear" quests so what should i do at this point i was vilified by the legion and now i am neutral so i am going to see what happens when i go to their camp but if the same things happen i am afraid my game might be glitched since the legion started to attack me on site when i was neutral with them at the start of the game
Can anybody help me fix this or do i have to restart my game in order to do the ncr questline in order to finish the game in the manner i wanted to finish it to begin with?