I have been considering the hierarchy of Diamond City lately, and I am curious as to what exactly we will see.
In Fallout 3, Megaton was basically the Sheriff and the crooked Bartender. Rivet City had its own council. What exactly will we see come out of Diamond City?
From what we have seen so far, Diamond City looks like it will be a good bit bigger than just Fenway. I think Bethesda has decided it wants to get more serious about capturing the feel of a large, up and coming city trying to reestablish civilization. In the Fallout Shelter (and Piper reveal trailer) we see that Piper has some gripes with what could be somebody trying to suppress her right to get the news to the people.
Is this perhaps the ruling body of Diamond City at work, or thugs? And if she is having trouble with thugs, one would assume the Diamond City Security could more or less handle it, seeing as her office is inside Diamond City and in close proximity to help at any one time.
Is it possible Diamond City is covering something up? Mutant attack son the rise? Close neighbor MiT causing trouble (obviously they probably are to some extent)? Brotherhood of Steel moving in, and Diamond City is afraid of them? So many possibilities.
So, what do you think? What/who rules Diamond City? Are they facing a potential crisis?