Trouble on the Homefront!

Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:08 am

This is an automated distress message from Vault-Tec: Vault 34. Message begins: Hey, forum! I have enjoyed all 3 DLCs throughly, and all have brought something different to the table. Each unique in it's own way. However, there is one thing that none of them bring:Trouble on the Homefront! We get to bring home Holorifles, .45 SMGs, Sierra Madre Armor and the likes, but nothing changes the wastes! In Fallout 3, the DLC Broken Steel introduced the Feral Ghoul Reaver and the Super Mutant Overlord to the D.C. Wasteland. In Dead Money, there is Mojave to DLC conversation, as well as DLC to Mojave conversation, so if conversation could be brought to the Mojave, why not new things to kill? For OWB, I wouldn't mind some wandering "Escaped Lobotomites" or perhaps a new variation of an already existing creature, such as a Nightstalker King or something? Anyways, I'd like to hear the forum's comment on this! Message repeats:

This is an automated distress message from Vault-Tec: Vault 34. Message begins: Hey, forum! I have enjoyed all 3 DLCs throughly, and all have brought something different to the table. Each unique in it's own way. However, there is one thing that none of them bring:Trouble on the Homefront! We get to bring home Holorifles, .45 SMGs, Sierra Madre Armor and the likes, but nothing changes the wastes! In Fallout 3, the DLC Broken Steel introduced the Feral Ghoul Reaver and the Super Mutant Overlord to the D.C. Wasteland. In Dead Money, there is Mojave to DLC conversation, as well as DLC to Mojave conversation, so if conversation could be brought to the Mojave, why not new things to kill? For OWB, I wouldn't mind some wandering "Escaped Lobotomites" or perhaps a new variation of an already existing creature, such as a Nightstalker King or something? Anyways, I'd like to hear the forum's comment on this! Message repeats:


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Epul Kedah
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:25 pm

I agree with Vault 34.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:01 am

That right there is the biggest complaint I've had since Dead Money. These DLCs are more like disconnected side games. You pause the main game, run off to play the little side game you downloaded, then go back to your regularly scheduled and (mostly) totally unaffected main game. They don't really add to the main game at all.
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.X chantelle .x Smith
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:47 pm

i agree with this i think that they should bring more enemy's to the Mojave during lonesome road...
i was kind of hoping that they would of brot back some enemy's from owb but.... u cant always get what u want...
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:08 am

Wait. Albino Rad Scorpions?

:ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh:
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:11 am

The addition of those stupid bullet sponge NPCs was a freaking stupid ass addition to the game that just added to my dislike of BS.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:42 am

Wait. Albino Rad Scorpions?

:ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh:

oh god thos killed me like every time i saw them........
:bolt: :ahhh:
BTW when i first saw this threads title i thought of homefront the game....
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Catherine Harte
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:52 pm

The addition of those stupid bullet sponge NPCs was a freaking stupid ass addition to the game that just added to my dislike of BS.

Super Mutant Overlords added a nice bit of difficulty to the game. However Albino Rad Scorpions and Feral Ghoul Reavers were just stupidly stupidly STUPIDLY over-powered.
When I mean over powered I mean its like they took shotgun shells to the face and just laughed because it felt like a light drizzle.
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:56 pm

oh god thos killed me like every time i saw them........
:bolt: :ahhh:
BTW when i first saw this threads title i thought of homefront the game....

I'm pretty sure it was a reference from the quest from Fallout 3, also named Trouble on the Homefront. :P
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:44 pm

Still wishing they'd add some random encounters. Hell, I'd pay for that alone.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:49 pm

Super Mutant Overlords added a nice bit of difficulty to the game. However Albino Rad Scorpions and Feral Ghoul Reavers were just stupidly stupidly STUPIDLY over-powered.
When I mean over powered I mean its like they took shotgun shells to the face and just laughed because it felt like a light drizzle.

Super Mutant Overlords had way too much HP, they had innate DR penetration and additional damage, they were the cheapest form of difficulty, they were stupid.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:22 am

I especially hated Reavers because they were really hard to kill on Very Easy difficulty as it was. But I think they toned down them to a satisfying level for this game.
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:05 pm

Super Mutant Overlords had way too much HP, they had innate DR penetration and additional damage, they were the cheapest form of difficulty, they were stupid.

Yes, but since they could take a licking and still keep on ticking, they were my favorite enemy to go Gauss Rifle Bowling with. I used to love getting one cornered and just knocking it around a room with a gauss rifle. Good times, good times.......

-gunny out.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:55 pm

Super Mutant Overlords had way too much HP, they had innate DR penetration and additional damage, they were the cheapest form of difficulty, they were stupid.

True but at least you could choose to go for cover and actually exchange fire with them. Even the most basic of Fallout players know how to use cover and exchange fire rather than stupidly herp-derp run up and try to beat them to death.

Feral Ghoul Reavers and Albino Radscorpions not only have all the above problems like Super Mutant Overlords but move FREAKING fast. You can't run away, you can't run for cover, all you can do is :gun: :bolt: :gun: :bolt: :gun: :bolt: and finally :ahhh: and :dead: when you run out of ammo :sadvaultboy:
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:02 pm

Fo nv is so out of touch with reality, that it would be hard go connect them without wasting too many resources.

Take HH for instance...... They have the White legs working for cl, but they shoot at my guy in full Centurion armour. My cl guy HH playthrough went like this.

Kill Graham
Kill the majority of Dead Horses
Kill Daniel
Kill the majority of the Sorrows
Kill some White Legs that for some reason fire on cl while working with them
That made my HH rating go down....

Bringing some enemies in could be cool, but which ones? Lombotomites can t leave from what I understand. Leave the pa eating nightstalkers in BIG MT. please....

The mk5 gutsies were fun. White Legs could appear in fo nv with cl sometimes. It will turn it into fo3 though, and people will cry like a little toddler.

NV just feels like a done deal to me. Im past the main game. I have no feeling for that place.... All I care about is LR, then Im retiring from fo nv.
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:17 am

As the devs said before, they'd rather not risk [censored] up the stability they need to keep patching for by adding new spawns.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:28 am

The only overpowered thing in fo3 or fo nv is your character. Especially fo nv, because I am level 47 now with a low 6 intelligence, and almost every thing will be 100 by level 50. Real feral ghoul reavers, hellfire troopers, albino rad scorpion, and Super mutant overlords made fo3 more fun than it was.

I bet 45caps albino rad scorpions are in Death Valley for LR.

I think Sawyer likes rad scorpions, and what better time to bust those heaps of hp and dt out than LR? I just hope they don t nerf them like reavers. I actually got scared when I saw a Reaver in fo3..... I liked that.
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:00 pm

i didnt take comprehession at the beggining so my lvl 45 aint maxed out but all my combat except unarmed and my repair science and all but basically unarmed cause i hate unarmed are maxed out and all my attributes are 6 or 7 cause i dont care about those lol this game is way to easy now and after you beat owb there isnt much you can do i mean you can go live there thats fine but there isnt much that you can do if you do live htere except get hit on by the stupid light switches they really need to make lonesome road effect your main play through or else this would be the worst fall out so far because you automatically end the game once you talk the legate out of fightin or make him fight you and then its like wow i get to start all over again great so lonesome road had better be really good or else the entire thing would be pointless especially sicne there is no broken steel type dlc
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:16 pm

i didnt take comprehession at the beggining so my lvl 45 aint maxed out but all my combat except unarmed and my repair science and all but basically unarmed cause i hate unarmed are maxed out and all my attributes are 6 or 7 cause i dont care about those lol this game is way to easy now and after you beat owb there isnt much you can do i mean you can go live there thats fine but there isnt much that you can do if you do live htere except get hit on by the stupid light switches they really need to make lonesome road effect your main play through or else this would be the worst fall out so far because you automatically end the game once you talk the legate out of fightin or make him fight you and then its like wow i get to start all over again great so lonesome road had better be really good or else the entire thing would be pointless especially sicne there is no broken steel type dlc

Bet noone can read all of this without stoppng for breath..
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:25 pm

Bet noone can read all of this without stoppng for breath..

That isn t even bad. I know I ve seen 500 word paragraphs on this message board as least 3 times. lol
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:27 am

As the devs said before, they'd rather not risk [censored] up the stability they need to keep patching for by adding new spawns.

This does make sense.....
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:20 pm

That isn t even bad. I know I ve seen 500 word paragraphs on this message board as least 3 times. lol

The problem isn't that its a paragraph. Its that its one sentence... no periods :mellow:
The grammar nazi in me wants to :grad:
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:20 am

Bet noone can read all of this without stoppng for breath..

Held my breath, try'ed to read it, failed....... :blink:
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