Troubles Saving 1st person Alternate Textures

Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:53 pm

I'm trying to replace the first person models with the third person models in an armor mod I downloaded. In every case, I've opened up the ArmorAddon dialogue box and clicked the Select button next to 'First Person' in the 'Female' box. In the Model Data dialogue box I select the model file I want (the 3rd person model) and then double click on the 3d name in the Alternative Textures spreadsheet so I can select the texture I want it to use (the mod has a variety of colored armor/clothing that each use the same mesh with different textures). After that I just hit ok on the model data diag and the ArmorAddon diag.

Here's where the problem occurs: When I save everything and quit and restart Creation Kit, the alternate texture I set in the Model Data box is no longer set to anything. The model swap saves just fine, but not the texture. I've tried these steps with the male 3rd/1st person models and the female 3rd person model and they all save the alternative texture correctly

I've also tried making a new ArmorAddon and copied all the same data from another ArmorAddon, It still wouldn't save the 1st person female alternative texture.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:34 pm

This is an existing bug in the vanilla game too, unable to apply different textures to female 1stperson models within the CK.

The easiest solution is to make a copy of the 1stperson nif's, and use NifSkope to change the texture. Then point to that in the ArmorAddon.

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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:52 am

That's kinda disappointing to hear that it's just a bug after I spent so many hours trying to figure out what was wrong. Thanks for the help though!

I don't know how to change the material in niffscope but I found an even more hacked together approach to fixing this: I read somewhere, while I was searching for a fix to this problem, that the female 3rd/1st person models will default to the male ones if they are not explicitly set. To work around it, I just set the male 1st person model to the female armor I wanted and deleted the model for the female 1st person armor.

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