Since this is my first post, I pledge the following:
I will not post a topic about, fast travel, hardcoe mode, expansion packs, graphics, a limited edition, how Morrowind is better than Oblivion, excessive and meaningless polls etc. I think those have been pretty well covered. You're welcome
I like the fact that crafting things has been announced, it could be an exciting and fun new addition to the series and help to further make each playthrough incredibly unique... But, there are different ways to do it.
The (arguably) boring way is to have recipes and you simply have x bits of iron and y bits of Daedric dandruff and you can make a [Daedric Dandruff Mace of Terror]. This is how it's commonly been done in games like WoW and others that have crafting systems, I would assume that at least in this case since Bethesda is known to be more creative than others that you would simply have elements that could be combined and then you could name your new item ala spellmaking/enchanting in previous titles. The problem is, while the stats are unique, the end product is just another iron sword with 30 fire damage or whatever, it's not really all that unique.
The (undoubtably) exciting and interesting way to do crafting would be taking a page from the hugely disappointing game Spore, which while being an in every other sense a dull and average game, had one of the most robust creation systems ever seen by mankind. By providing hundreds of elements such as blade styles and handles and engraving options, or on clothing, buttons and pockets and dyes and so forth. The possibilities for the character to create truly customizable items without the use of external modding tools would be truly impressive. The very existence of the gigantic and at times ridiculous (ok most times) modding community is evidence of the players desire to make something unique and truly "theirs" in the Elder Scrolls. If the crafting system provides that in the vanilla game, I think crafting could add a good 40 hours of gameplay per playthrough, especially if discovering new designs and blade/clothing/armor elements were a part of the game. I find in some random cave an interesting sword and now I can use those kind of sword elements in my future crafting designs. Also the elements themselves could contain attributes.
Enough chit chat, what do you guys think will make it into the game? Oh and I'm sure you'll ask for a poll so I guess I'll make one.