» Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:00 am
I don't use fast travel a lot in Oblivion. I have a rule I follow. I can fast travel from city to city, but if I go out into the wilderness, I can't use fast travel again until I get back to a city. I end up going out on expeditions, and I have to make sure I have everything I'll need until I get back. It can get interesting when I'm far away from a city, and I run into trouble. I love decorating my house. I can spend hours just moving things around, putting books on the shelves (which can be a real pain in the...). I like wherever I set up shop to be mine, to feel like home. In Oblivion, I put a sigil stone on one of my tables, and I don't know how it happened, but it actually floats there. I've never been able to reproduce it, but that one time, it worked. Cool as hell. I always name my magic items. Do you play on a computer? Because if you do, many of the things you like become available through mods.