Thank you Bethesda
Amid all of the rants, venom and rage (most of which really is justified) I wanted to drop a "thank you" note to Bethesda. You all have really delivered with Skyrim. Skyrim is everything I could have hoped for and more. Every time I load up the game I am truly whisked away to another world and find myself wanting to jump through my screen and never leave. So for that, thank you so much!
I know there is a lot of anger and a lot of frustration in the PC sections of the forums (I've not checked the console sections, so I cannot speak for them). And there ARE problems with the game, a whole hell of a lot of problems. From the crashes (luckily I've found work-arounds for them) and quest breaking bugs (I've not found work-arounds for these unfortunately), but I have faith you'll eventually get all of the kinks ironed out. I know that a game this big and all encompassing, with its myriad of interconnecting quests, factions, reactions, etc. must make fixing things a nightmare. But again, I have faith you'll address them all.
I've been a supporter since Daggerfall and have bought every game for the PC. I buy your games for the PC for two reasons: First, because I know I'll be able to tweak out the settings to make it as immersive as my PC will allow. And secondly, because I know that you always release a construction set and that the mods will slowly start pouring in. And it was the mods that kept me playing Morrowind until Oblivion was released, and Oblivion until Skyrim was released. Because of the mods I've gotten more hours out of these two games than any game I've ever owned.
So I salute you and thank you for not only releasing on the PC, but also sharing the construction sets with us.
And kudos to you for making Skyrim the best open-world RPG I've ever experienced. Even with all of the game crashes and quest bugs, I friggin' LOVE this game. And that's saying something.