My script fragment won't compile (again). This is an *EXACT* duplicate of the default game script fragment for one of the default game hireling dialogue. I merely replaced one of the global variables with a newly created custom one (which I have added to the plugin in the CK)
;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 2Scriptname zINPCMercenary01 Extends TopicInfo Hidden;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_1Function Fragment_1(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef)Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor;BEGIN CODE0HirelingRecognizeMercenary01.Value= as HirelingQuest).PayHireling(akSpeaker);END CODEEndFunction;END FRAGMENT;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin commentGlobalVariable Property HasHirelingGV Auto GlobalVariable Property 0HirelingRecognizeMercenary01 Auto
Attempting to manually add the properties for these variables just messes up the script even more (and it still will not compile). Why does the almost EXACT default game script fragment compile just fine, and my script fragment does not compile? Why does the CK hate me, specifically?
Is there an alternative to using the CK to compile papyrus scripts and/or script fragments?