If the game's not programmed in 3D, how's using a 3D monitor/projection system automatically going to make it 3D?
The driver handles it. All of the 3-D positional information is available to the device driver. It just renders each frame as two frames from a slightly different angle. No special programming in the game is required.
I guess I'd have to see it to believe it. You can't just offset the complete image and get 3D. Different depths would have to offset different amounts, and I'm just not buying that you can take a 2D game and run it through a magic projector and get good results... Personal opinion without having seen it at work though.
Again, it's not just taking the final 2-D rendered image and doing something with it. The device driver is actually shifting the PoV before the frame is rendered, so you're actually getting the frame rendered from two different angles with all of the perspective geometry changes and all.
Nah, that's brand new technology. Call me a luddite, but i'll let you early adopters do the final testing first. After all, "no technology survives first contact with consumers" (or something)

It's actually really old technology. I had a Sega Master System in the '80s with 3-D glasses that used exactly the same principles to produce a 3-D effect...I even had 3-D shutter classes that plugged into the system. I also had an nVidia GeForce 3 in 2001 that did almost exactly the same thing the new ones do. It's an old technology that they try to re-introduce every 5-10 year to see if it will catch on. It hasn't yet.

It's interesting, but until there's a way to do it with no flicker at a reasonable price point I'll have to pass. The flicker gives me a headache.