To me, FO3 was a great game, very fun, and I wasted countless hours in the Capital wasteland, and I regret none of it. But this game. Jesus, Obsidian really pulled it out on this one, and I have so many [censored] questions.
First off, I want to congratulate them on the writing of Vault 11. I seen someone else posted something on this, and I thought I was the only one that was left in awe of the ending of it. If you haven't done it yet, don't read the wiki, or other people's posts on the vault, experience it for yourself

Second, and the reason I'm posting, is I just started a new game, and actually payed attention to what Benny was saying to me. He says something along the lines of "From your point of view staring down the barrel of a 9mm is just a string of bad luck. Truth is, this was all rigged from the start."
Talking to Nash in Primm, he says something about another traveler seeing your name on the list, asking if it was for real, then not accepting the job and walking out.
What my highly drained mind (I haven't slept in what seems like forever and a day since this [censored] game has came out) is thinking, is that someone your character knows, was picked to carry the Lucky 38 poker chip to Mr. House.
Why? Why were you the one picked to carry it? Was Mr. House's plan for you to carry it, get shot in the face, and have Benny deliver the chip back to him?
Who picked you to carry it? Did Mr. House pick you to carry it, and bring it to him? If so, again, why? Did he know you'd side with him/do his bidding, or not know that you'd turn on him, and choose a faction, or rule the strip yourself?
And lastly, who was the other person that Nash mentions? It couldn't have been Benny, or you would have known him previously, and he would have done this out of revenge.
P.S. - this is what part of the alphabet looks like when "Q" and "R" are removed.
P.P.S - where is your character coming from? East I'd assume, that's where the chip was made. If so, why didn't the legion attack you on your way through? Am I missing something, or is my train of thought going way off the rails with this one? I know I really need some sleep, but if someone could clear this up for me, I'd be soooo greatful <3