Without fast travelling, travel from Castle Volkihar to Fort Dawnguard. Epic Journey is epic.
Does anyone have any other epic journeys?
Without fast travelling, travel from Castle Volkihar to Fort Dawnguard. Epic Journey is epic.
Does anyone have any other epic journeys?
I used to walk more in my first levels. Now I mostly rely on my 10-slot Mark / Recall spell (Alteration).
Ansilvund to Lakeview Manor carrying a mini mudcrab and actually getting it there, that mudcrab had a lot of epic adventures along the way. I take screenshots on the next trip, the mudcrab ran home, have to fetch him back again.
I haven't FT in quite a long time. It must have been at least 6 months. I just made that trip and am currently in Morthal, making my way around the Western part of the map to eventually wind up in Riften and from there to the College.
It will be well into the weekend before I get there. IF then. Who knows what's going to happen between now and then There's a lot going on between here and there.
Using the Live Another Life mod I started my orc out as a shipwreck survivor which has you start out at the upside down ship wrecked off the coast of Dawnstar. After making it to shore I went to Dawnstar and from there walked all the way down to Whiterun and then up across the map through Falkreath to get my orc to Dushnikh Yal which I planned on being her home. That was quite the trip. She went up about 5 lvs from combat alone along the way.
Yeah, i've never really used fast travel. It has the tendency to make the game world feel quite small.
has anyone had a mudcrab as a child's pet in Hearthfire?
Like a few others here I have never fast traveled in Skyrim. In fact if I count Oblivion, I have only fast traveled 2 times since 2006. Both times happened in Oblivion the first week after the game was released. I quickly realized I hated the idea and never did it again.
One of my recent characters was in Solitude when Agmaer contacted her to join Dawnguard. So she traveled from Solitude to Fort Dawnguard, then from Fort Dawnguard to Dimhollow Crypt, from Dimhollow Crypt to Icewater Jetty (a mod makes transportation expensive in my game, so my character had to hoof it to Icewater Jetty) and then from Castle Volkihar back to Fort Dawnguard.
These are the first three quests in Dawnguard. And they took me a solid week to accomplish in real time. It was great fun.
Someone said you could, but none of the children I adopted ever brought one home. Not sure I would like one as a pet if it is going to hide and ambush me. I like my mini mudcrabs guarding the mead, not chomping on the toes as you walk past. It would have been bigger than the one I want anyway.
I use that mod too I pick left for dead and I spawned near some old ruins in the mountain it would not as been so bad if I didn't started frostfall and had Immediate Dragons. Awaking up to the cold that could kill me and a dragon luck was not on my side that day so I ran the milk drinker like I was all the way to Markarth on the way there I meet bandits Vampires, and daedra I will never for get that journey.
It is possible... http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Pincer
I never fast travel,so every journey is epic...