TRYING to enjoy Fallout 4....but...

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:39 pm doesn't "feel" like a Fallout game. :nope: EDIT: My use of the term "hate" below should be read as somewhat light hearted. :)

I HATE the dialogue menu. I hate my player having a designated voice and backstory. I hate being assigned a wife/husband and child. You remove my immersion by doing that.

I hate the perk system. I want my skill % back.

I hate VATS not stopping time.

I hate the vast, endless and primarily useless amount of pipe guns in the game.

I hate the power armor GUI. I hate using power armor, period. I hate the clunky interface used to customize it on that rack, having to get in and out of it.

I hate the amount of "stuff" I have to juggle in my inventory. I hate how ridiculously heavy some things are versus others not weighing anything at all. Cut the weight of weapons and armor, please.

I hate the UI for customizing your town. I hate being forced to level my charisma and choose a perk SOLELY to establish supply lines (what, these people can't do that crap on their own?? come on. Why do I need a PERK for these people to think, "hey let's trade stuff between us" They can't think that up on their own?).

I hate how fast some enemies move, forcing you to use VATS, which I hate using anyway. (Stingwings, anybody??)

I hate how slowly ALL melee weapons swing, especially fists and one handed weapons.

I hate not being able to dual wield (What is this 1992? come on guys).

I hate that MODing is going to have to be done to make this game into a 'real' fallout game for me.

...but I do love having a Mr Gutsy companion, or a big BoS Sergeant companion. I do love the graphics. I do love the questing and story. I do love the voice acting.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:00 am

That sure is a lot of hate.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:29 pm

I know. :hugs: I'm sorry.

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Aaron Clark
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:13 pm

I like that VATS doesn't stop time like past ones did. I mean come on its bad enough you can bring up your pip boy to consume an 8 course meal, switch your weapon, change clothes, stimpack your disabled limbs, switch radio stations.. All while something is inches away from mauling you down to zero health. I like the delay they added to stimpacks and health so that you cant cheat death so easily.

The past two Fallouts had story lines that start you off as someone with family.. I mean dad dumping you to traipse off, or courier shot in the head.. You had a past.

The power armor setup.. I like it too. Hey there is going to be things diffrent but thats the beauty and I love seeing the development.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:24 pm

Hate is a strong word to be throwing about, but . . . . I do [censored] hate the new dialogue system. I can agree with you on that.
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:03 am

Wow... So return it if you can. Sell it at GameStop if you can't. Why waste time and emotion by coming here and throwing a public tantrum?
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:50 pm

Fallout 1 and 2 had none of this stuff and it did incredibly well. (I hear they made even more past 2! Like 4 more games even!) It set the tone for the series. When you change the game away from skill points, you are fixing something that just flat out isn't broken. We can't just pop a mentat to temporarily open a locked chest or door or computer terminal. I absolutely despise having to go back somewhere to open a safe after I have leveled up JUST to get a perk I didn't even want in the first place to get that damn pipe pistol and some caps. I miss skill points SO very much. It's so black and white, can or can't, do or don't in this system.

I understand that genres can evolve: but fixing things that aren't broken just to be different and "make it your own", to me, is moving away from what defined a Fallout game. Original fallout games were turn based, and people liked it because of that. It was strategic. VATS was a way to apply strategy to the battle, and I miss being able to do that as well. Now, VATS for me is just a way that I can actually hit a freakin' Stingwing with a melee weapon.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:04 pm

Because I feel like it, and your comment does not invalidate my points. I didn't throw a tantrum. You don't know my emotional state. :D

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:36 pm,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/18bj7yiygvofogif.gif

Also intended to be light-hearted.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:50 pm


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Richard Thompson
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:06 am

You Know what I hate? I hate when people aren't able to find the good things in products, despite it's obvious flaws, and then come out and complain about it on the internet.

Look, I get that you have gripes about the game, we all do, but Fallout 4 is still a fine game that Beth clearly put alot of time and effort into. They should be applauded for their efforts, it's a far better game than Fallout 3 was. They have taken some hints from some of the complaints people had about previous games and addressed some of them.

FYI: I have been, and will continue to criticize Beth's handling of their games in the past, and will continue to do so as I see fit. That said, I believe Beth did alright this time...and I was one of those who wasn't crazy about a voiced protagonist either. Now that I've played the game for a while, it (to my surprise) doesn't bother me one bit. I could still easily play the game without a voice, but having one isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

You know what else I hate? I hate when I leave caps lock on only to discover what I'd done after typing out my entire post. :flame:

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:47 pm

No I getcha dude.. I miss being able to use VATS to check all enemies out (even without action points) just to see who is using what weapon and possitioned just where. Yeah that was nice but also I felt like it was just a touch past making things way too easy. The slow time thing I feel is a great compromise.

Okay I grant dialouge is messed up a bit what with some replies just listed as a two word phrase that leads up to a whole paragraph of words that is just a blindfolded turkey shoot on what you actually get outa the crackerjack box.

I hear you on the lockpicking thing but hey I always go for lockpicking hacking early on as I hate getting locked out of stuff. On the other hand the fact that you can go back to the same safe sevral times with a day delay or what not and its restocked is weird yes.. but with the large amount of junk we need to build settlements hey it helps just that much extra.

The first fallout games I didnt do more then just try out.. They were not big on my radar untill fallout 3

Not everyone will like all the changes.. But Bethesda at least is making head way and breaking new ground by combining more elements to apeal to more of an audience.. and heck at the end of the day you still play it right?

Thanks for bringing up what you dont like.. Its comments like this that might help the devs get a better idea of what we all want.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:50 am

LOL another hate post =P we have 1 day break yesterday hahaha.

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James Shaw
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:16 pm

Once I accepted that I was playing Todd Howard's character and not my own I went on to enjoy the other aspects of the game. My advice? Slam through the main quest as soon as possible. Just pick the option that Bethesda wants you to (the one that says I love my son and wife waa waa waaa my son and wife MY SON AND WIFE AARRGGHHHH) because you will have to anyway, and get it over with as quickly as possible. Then you can forget that it's Todd Howard's character and play the rest of the world, and you'll never have to put on power armor again.

The inventory I started breaking down into components right at the sites. In most of the buildings\places where raiders and etc gather there's going to be a weapons and armor workbenches. I started breaking the stuff down immediately to clear out inventory and keep the weights low. Take the scrapper perks so you can get the best components out of them.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:46 pm

:goodjob: Thanks Souljacker, but I have a better imagination I guess. Really I dont care what the quests are most the time I just enjoy wandering around and looting everything. Great advice on breaking things down there I will try it and see if it saves me weight!

I never really got caught up in what we get saddled with on "main" story line.. When my dad ditched me in a vault full of rad roaches and hostile vault gaurds the last thing I wanted to do was track him down.. When I got shot in the head and burried for some poker chip.. Way I felt was okay end of that delivery time to get out of this courier job. So really back ground story adds background. Without back ground we lack depth for our potential imagination to run what ever direction we dang well choose.

Only regretts is that there is no Join the Raiders option that allows me to decorate my bandit outposts with human heads and get alerts on caravans passing through worth raiding instead of all this goody two shoes save the wastelander farmers that cant even change their clothes unless I do it for them.. As for Shaun.. Two hundred years puts me well past my terms of parental duties I think.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:00 am

So much hate.. Hate leads to the Dark Side... gooood... GOOOOOD. ;)

I agree that the talking main character and dialogue system are pure sheet.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:28 pm

I hate cilantro.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:25 am

I don't really hate anything. Why hate, why put that out in the world, man!

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:22 pm

You're blaspheming again. I don't need to work with a blasphemer.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:50 pm

It's what you do in turn-based games. The fallout series has had, until Fallout 3, a turn-based combat system and the way Bethesda thought to bridge a 'live' FPS with the old turn-based system was to pause the game during VATS. That was the whole idea in the first place. This is now completely gone.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:18 pm

Yes its gone.. I like things as they are as more FPS rather then turn based then, as you point out.

The compromise is that time slows. I am not into games that you watch your enemies all execute one attack, and then are allowed one attack. I mean chess is cool and all, even checkers is a great game, but I want to feel the joy of a well placed shot taken with a sniper rifle out side of VATs with the (hold breath) as my optional.. Or even the retreating battle fought up a stairwell with the new hipfire / sighted shots as Ghouls are swarming up behind me. You lose the thrill and excitement by making all that turn based.

I think its enough when we bring up VATS it auto sights us on the target anyways so even without action points you can still get off a quick shot that scores a hit even if your hand eye coordination stinks.

They are trying to apeal to a larger audience so in doing slow time vats rather then stop time vats I am of the personal opinion they made the right call.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:42 pm

If only because VATS was hilariously overpowered in a FPS setting. That said, the transition is like Final Fantasy's move to ATB from true turn-based combat. Personally, I hate ATB in those games with a burning passion, but I can live with this VATS - except for the sheer inaccuracy at long ranges, and the tendency for calculations to be buggy (for one thing, it doesn't recognize partial obstacles - like other people's bodies - properly, and doesn't update fast enough, so 95% can actually be 0% due to movement during execution; it also applies the stealth bonus to subsequent hits when previewing damage, and just straight up doesn't display the right damage sometimes.). It's not completely gone; it's just a bit harder to use, but it does have issues. But in a sense, it does fit the pace better.

Now, KotOR II, that was weird. It had real-time input of turn-based attacks calculated using the computer-D&D CRPG system, which is more or less the inverse of what we have, and it got very screwy, very quickly. Still fun, but screwy.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:53 am

VATS change was on of the coolest addition to the game, it was just lame on F3 and FNV. lol i just sometimes use it to pause the game and go do something else during combat back them.

PA armor change is one of the best think they did to the game, the UI have 0 problem i dont see where is the issue with it. And the new PA gameplay add alot more to the immersion.

Perk system is the best fix for skills. i still dont see how ppl like skill, i think is just a fantasy on their heads bc Skill system was broken as hell.

Ok sooo i dont understand the issue with pipe guns. Really i mean is just 1 type of guns that is just common at low level. as soon as u are around level 30 or higher raider have combat rifles or Combat shotguns or assault rifles.

this "I hate how fast some enemies move, forcing you to use VATS, which I hate using anyway. (Stingwings, anybody??)" so u hate challenge, really ppl just complain about anything this day. For ones Fo4 do enemies movement really well.

Only point i agree with u is Dialogue, but isnt a hate issue for me, i know Bethesda need to probe new stuff. DLC will tell if they going to add more options to dialogues or improve over it. But isnt something i hate.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:08 am

Stopped reading at "my immersion."

I guess this is what happens when you're bred on video game rpgs instead of real ones. :shakehead:

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:53 am

I HATE the dialogue menu. I hate my player having a designated voice and backstory. I hate being assigned a wife/husband and child. You remove my immersion by doing that.


I hate the perk system. I want my skill % back.

Sort of agreed, mix of base perks with those that need values in skill/special or quests/lvl/ETCconditions were much better.

I hate VATS not stopping time.

Nope, stop was overly cheesy, VATS half-time was the best in FO3 and NV, thank modders for that!

I hate the vast, endless and primarily useless amount of pipe guns in the game.I hate the power armor GUI.  I hate using power armor, period. I hate the clunky interface used to customize it on that rack, having to get in and out of it.I hate the amount of "stuff" I have to juggle in my inventory.  I hate how ridiculously heavy some things are versus others not weighing anything at all. Cut the weight of weapons and armor, please.

Agreed. Its like developers think "oh lets make 50 items from wich only 4-5 are useful". Its ideal when most items are useful and what changes is their appearence, statistics(slight) and being situational, so players decide what to carry around base on taste and the scenario (and weight!!).

I hate the UI for customizing your town. I hate being forced to level my charisma and choose a perk SOLELY to establish supply lines (what, these people can't do that crap on their own?? come on. Why do I need a PERK for these people to think, "hey let's trade stuff between us"  They can't think that up on their own?).

There probably should have been a quest instead of a perk for that, but devs were "too busy" spending resources on meh voice protagonist and a small array of meaningful dialog (doesnt matter how many lines if those are all bad and dont portray a true RPG sense -, so in the end it had to be perked.

For the rest yeah playing melee surely needs an overhaul, modding is what makes games shine nowadays, because true gamers > gaming company wage earners.

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