UESP says they start dropping into the game at level 36 randomly. Best bet is to go into a draugher dungeon at that point. Draugher Deathlords are the ones most often packing them.
The Weapon is available at level 1, but killing the Draugr Death Overlord who gets to use it on Your character first can be challenging. The two (or more) Frost Trolls that need to be avoided or killed to get to the location the Ebony Bow is located are not easy either.
Good luck getting the Ebony Bow.
If you're on PC, just spawn one via console command
OP is on 360.
BTW OP rather than having to note your platform on a lot of threads many of us recommend putting that in the signature so that it's available at a glance. Some people miss them even then but it cuts out a lot of platform questions. As you can see both of my platforms are in my sig.
While that is an excellent suggestion and I support that as well, there will still be some that have all sigs disabled ( hidden ).
I humbly admit to being within the ranks of those petty individuals.
Go find some Draugr Deathlords. At least a few of them should have what you're looking for.
I'm sorry but I don't understand Jesuis and please don't take this as anything other than curiosity. Why have a signature but have it hidden?
No no , friend.
Not my sig my good man. I have all sigs set to be hidden. I find most of them too distracting. Initially I just hid the sigs on certain members because they simply stood out too much. After a bit the list became quite extensive so I opted for the simpler version and hid every sig in the forum.
?Nonetheless, that is still a sound suggestion of one to show their platform in their sig. I will simply be one of those that will miss that little bit of information. Yet the majority of the populace will be advised.
there is a hand placed ebony bow in markarth underkeep
The ebony bow referenced here is always available. Just take a helper if you are low.
I too hide sigs for the same reason. Putting the platform used under Location would solve that problem.
Look left.
get conjuration to 90 and the ritual and place sigil stone in atronach forge and put correct items in for daedric stuff. addding dynamo cores enchants them. better in every way and cooler looking than ebony on most parts. or try nightingale bow. relatively easy for it.
What level are you?
Dude you would be lucky if you could get a ebony bow at lvl 30, stop lieing.