» Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:17 pm
Unfortunately all console oriented games feel very similar - slow and bulky feel, slow run speed, horrific weapon accuracy, super horrific accuracy when fiering from shoulder, low damage on opponents aside from head and upper torso. Mobility is not tied in to combat and when you see an enemy there is little tactical decision making - point and shoot hoping he dies first.(multilayer)
This is in place due to how console controllers are limited in FPS games, and so entire game play is slowed down.
I stand in disbelief how weapons of the future with such a rate of fire do so little to human targets and have 50meter affective range.
Visual aspect is also a step down, game degraded to console level, witch is 5years a go., yes it looks ok but looking at original crysis it is obvious.
I did buy the game and I will play though it but shooters are degrading, it makes me sad.