I follow the readme file, which says this:
1 ) Open CS Tools
2 ) Open 'Hair' slot (It's on 'Character' tab)
3 ) Right-Click and select 'new'
4 ) Write Editor ID, and fill up 'name' tab on the right.
5 ) Click 'Add Nif File' and select the mesh of the hair
(Hair meshes are in the \Obilivion\Meshes\Characters\Moonshadow Elves\Hairs directory)
6 ) Click 'Add Image File' and select the texture of the hair
(Hair meshes are in the \Obilivion\Textures\Characters\Moonshadow Elves\Hairs directory)
(You should select the texture named xx.dds, not xx_hl.dds or xx_hh.dds or xx_n.dds)
7 ) Check 'Playable' box
8 ) Open 'Race' slot (It's on 'Character' tab also

9 ) Select the Moonshadow Elves race(zzSPST / zzSPMU), and click 'Body Data' tab.
10 ) Drag the hair that you added in 'Hair' slot into 'Hair Styles' box on 'Body Data' tab.
11 ) Select OK, and save.
But when I get to point 9 there is no moonshadow elves race to select...there are only VampireRace.
I use FCOM and some other mods, can paste a BOSS-log if necessary.
Help, please?