Ah, I haven't seen that one. *bookmarked*
That'll be helpful as it has more pictures. Pictures are always helpful

I can't link to that forum post as it no longer exists, plus it was on a forum I still can't link to due to being the home of a nvde body mod. But, I did add it to my mod dumping ground of a mini forum. http://z15.invisionfree.com/Mystyk_Mods/index.php?showtopic=67. Note: That one is for converting poses so some things may not be needed.
In the comments section of that tutorial (on Nexus by c2552) someone else also had problems with the duration of the pose. Third post. They mentioned setting that Text Key to something higher worked for them, too.
Most pose mods include a reset.kf so you may need to borrow one of those if you set that number too high. Or so I've been told :shrug:
Now, I just need a tutorial for making animations. I do know how to make them, but not properly, and my 'tutor' was rather brief in her instructions and is no longer around for me to ask questions.