Trying to play a Thief/Rogue, feel totally gimped

Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:37 am

So I'm trying to play the character I always start, a sneaking rogue type, and it's just been an utterly brutal affair, I have resorted to using the "kill" command to put down bosses, I just CAN'T kill them, I put my points into sneak, archery, light armor, one handed, and I'm still getting my face smashed in by things like Hagravens. Since people have decided to DDoS where I'd get advice normally I'm asking here, and for the love of God, please, no "hurr I'm level 6 expert 100% stealth two shot everything" because I've seen that.

I know the game purposefully gives me magic and pushes me toward a heavy armor having warrior, but I don't want to use either of those, just like before, is this no longer a viable way to play or am I doing something wrong here?
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:53 pm

Last I checked the DDOSing was over

But on Topic, try boosting up your alchemy skill and chugging potions.
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:36 am

Are you getting sneak attacks in? If you're properly specced into One Handed with daggers you should be able to one shot just about anything with 30X damage from stealth. What are your skill values at? Usually it comes down to how you play, if you're trying to play a rogue but get detected all the time and end up winging it then it's of course not going to work.
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:18 am

Try using the crafting skills. For a thief alchemy should be good. Having some strong poisons might make things a lot easier for you, especially on boss fights. And if you have some dragon shouts remember to use them. I had huge problems with a boss earlier today (died several times) untill i realized i had forgotten to use my dragonshouts and beat him straight away.
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:16 am

I'm a level 23 stealth/archery/dual dagger build that doesn't use magic and I currently own anything I can fight on my own terms. I only have issues if I get surrounded. What level are you? A Hagraven isn't a cake walk at lower levels at all. My first one was around 10 I believe and that was a tough fight until I stealth cleared everything around it then was able to shoot arrows at it from a distance. Now, is a different story (1 dual dagger power attack kills them). So things I'd need to know is what is your level and what gear are you rolling with ATM.
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:30 pm

What exactly is your problem, that you feel "gimped?"

I can make vague suggestions without knowing more info.

1) Make sure you're in an area appropriate for your level.
2) You may not be using "power attacks." That used to be my problem... I had 2x daggers and would simply poke enemies all day until i realized holding down M1+M2 = "OMG Slice & Dice!"
3) Are you using your perks when you level up? That helps alot.
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:31 am

So I'm trying to play the character I always start, a sneaking rogue type, and it's just been an utterly brutal affair, I have resorted to using the "kill" command to put down bosses, I just CAN'T kill them, I put my points into sneak, archery, light armor, one handed, and I'm still getting my face smashed in by things like Hagravens. Since people have decided to DDoS where I'd get advice normally I'm asking here, and for the love of God, please, no "hurr I'm level 6 expert 100% stealth two shot everything" because I've seen that.

I know the game purposefully gives me magic and pushes me toward a heavy armor having warrior, but I don't want to use either of those, just like before, is this no longer a viable way to play or am I doing something wrong here?

Same char type here. I killed one hagraven by sneak/hiding behind the tree stump and slipping in a few stealth shots on her until she was about half health (and yes she did hit me with a few fireballs so I had to drink a potion or two). Then when she was about half health I sprinted across the log to her and stabbed her to death with a poisoned dagger. I did also have to take a health potion during this. It was challenging, yes, but fun. If I wanted to be overpowered I'd play on novice.
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:37 pm

So I'm trying to play the character I always start, a sneaking rogue type, and it's just been an utterly brutal affair, I have resorted to using the "kill" command to put down bosses, I just CAN'T kill them, I put my points into sneak, archery, light armor, one handed, and I'm still getting my face smashed in by things like Hagravens. Since people have decided to DDoS where I'd get advice normally I'm asking here, and for the love of God, please, no "hurr I'm level 6 expert 100% stealth two shot everything" because I've seen that.

I know the game purposefully gives me magic and pushes me toward a heavy armor having warrior, but I don't want to use either of those, just like before, is this no longer a viable way to play or am I doing something wrong here?

Hmm, what difficulty level are you playing on and what level are you? I'm only playing on Adept, but my character is essentially the same as yours and really haven't had too much trouble with bosses. I 've put almost all my perks into sneak, light armor, one handed and archery. For the first 10 levels, things could get rough on occasion, but since then (and i'm lvl 39 now), things are almost too easy. I've pumped up Stamina and Health and basically just dual wield power strike bosses 3-4 times and they die. The only bosses that I find somewhat difficult are the ones who kite me with ice spells, they require health potions and tactics.

Make sure you use (if you have it), the marked for death shout. It debuffs the armor rating of any enemies it hits and makes bosses a lot lot easier.

As for Hagravens, make sure you get in close, those fire nukes they have are brutal, but if you get in and force melee, they are alot easier (especially if you keep moving around them so they miss on their melee attacks)
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:39 pm

I know what you mean to a certain extent. It wasn't until I got my sneak into the 70s that I was able to do much with it. The boss fights are awful if your just trying to rogue it with no magic, that is a severely imbalanced part of the game. My only suggestion is to consider going into illusion and using something like invisibility and muffle.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:02 am

Last I checked the DDOSing was over

But on Topic, try boosting up your alchemy skill and chugging potions.

Yea try leveling it and gimping your character even more :rofl:
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Amy Smith
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:04 pm

The stealth class relies on you doing a decent chunk of damage at the very beginning and killing things very quickly before they can even hit you. You should have the stealth critical perks, its impossible to play the class without it. If your going mainly archery, make sure you get off a good first shot, then get out of line of sight, you wont be detected which means you will be able to get another sneak-attack damage bonus. Otherwise, prepare to start unloading on the enemy after he/she/it has seen you which is where the archery stagger and increased shoot speed perks come in handy.

Daggers/swords could be trickier on higher difficulties especially if you don't have the crit perks for them which mean you should do a boatload of initial damage (more than archery) to the point where they're either dead before they turn around or cant hurt you enough before you get them down.

Otherwise, make good use of the little magicka you do have and use one of the -skin spells to bolster your defense. Otherwise, you can be constantly casting heal while stabbing them to death.
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:58 am

I play the same build and I have to say one of the most helpful things is a meatshield. Lydia or conjuration, or a merc. Something to get the mobs to attack someone who isnt you. Also, sneak attack is an absolute must, use as much as you can. Shouts make a big difference as well. Use cover and get into a gunfight with ranged enemies if you can. get them aggro'd on your tank of choice. I would be dead 1000 times over if not for Lydia. Potions potions potions potions potions and POISONS. GL
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:57 am

It is hard this time around. I'm doing pretty much the same thing. Female rogue using archery and daggers. I keep a sword and shield on me in case I need them, but I haven't pulled them out yet. If you can deal good damage from distance, the duel wield daggers does the trick. Like said above get into alchemy a bit, poisons are your friend. also find the shadow stone. Invisible for 1 minute once a day. Helps with the real tough ones.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:20 pm

My first character was a thief/rouge - and yes I put him away for a bit and started the more typical fighter type. The Thief starts off weak I think. The skills need time to get better. I found I was just walking up and stabbing things and not sneaking because it was a lot easier.

I fully plan to go back and play again when I complete it the first time around with the thief. Then I have a vision of Gandolph walking through Skyrim :)
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:54 pm

I've been leveling this way the entire time, but I also may not be playing as you so. I've mostly been sticking to stealthy bow attacks unless the guy is alone. Something to remember about Elder Scrolls Rogues is the "swashbuckler" type is extremely difficult to pull off. Since we lack any manner of parry/block/riposte when dual wielding. I stick to guerilla tactics. Stealth hit. If it doesn't kill them, hide, rinse and repeat. Once you get ranger and the other bow talents that speed redraw, you can push a shot or two before fading away.
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Penny Wills
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:45 am

I know what you mean to a certain extent. It wasn't until I got my sneak into the 70s that I was able to do much with it. The boss fights are awful if your just trying to rogue it with no magic, that is a severely imbalanced part of the game. My only suggestion is to consider going into illusion and using something like invisibility and muffle.

I'm having no issue with bosses without magic (except enchantments). Do you have all your perks in sneak? What weapons do you use? Have you sought out the best stealth gear? Do you enchant your own gear? You just may not be taking advantage of everything you could.

I should note that I'm playing on Adept.
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:41 am

I didn't really want to get into alchemy, The Witcher 2 made that a grating process, but I forgot about it all the same, I guess I'll have to explore that. As far as stealth, yes, but it's a very janky thing for me right now, I'll hit a guy in the head with an arrow from my Elven bow stealthed, with the arrow stealth talent, and he'll alert all his buddies. I sneak up to people and do it melee and they don't go down either, thus alerting whole areas to my presence, it's just not working like it was, and with no acrobatics or athletics I literally can't get away or regroup, I am forced to keep fighting, enemies are often much faster than I am.

I think dragon shouts are key here, I haven't "unlocked" them yet, so I should endeavor to do that in order to be competitive, even if it's contrary to the character I wanted.

Edit: To those saying you aren't using certain things, I don't want to, I know the game pushes magic and warrior really hard but I don't want to play that way, I didn't in Oblivion and my khajiit was a god of stealth, assassination, movement, and power, it seems like the game wants you to go all in and use everything, but I don't want to do that, then it's all an amorphous grey blob as far as characterization goes.
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:27 am

It also helps tremendously to get the Elemental Fury shout. It speeds up your melee attack by a TON and will help you take down bosses and tougher monsters quickly before they have a chance to deal a lot of damage to you. Stack this with an Amulet of Talos (if that is the one that reduces shout cooldowns) and it will be less than 30 second cooldown.

edited for additional info:

I specced into sneak, light armor, and 1 handed for the damage boost and dual wield talents. Sneak attack everything you can, take all the talents and gear that make you harder to detect to make this easier, and when you actually get caught in a straight up fight just use the elemental fury shout I listed above. Honestly I had no problems with my khajiit thief-type using these techniques and strats.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:21 am

So I'm trying to play the character I always start, a sneaking rogue type, and it's just been an utterly brutal affair, I have resorted to using the "kill" command to put down bosses, I just CAN'T kill them, I put my points into sneak, archery, light armor, one handed, and I'm still getting my face smashed in by things like Hagravens. Since people have decided to DDoS where I'd get advice normally I'm asking here, and for the love of God, please, no "hurr I'm level 6 expert 100% stealth two shot everything" because I've seen that.

I know the game purposefully gives me magic and pushes me toward a heavy armor having warrior, but I don't want to use either of those, just like before, is this no longer a viable way to play or am I doing something wrong here?

If it is the hagraven I am thinking of , i had the same problem with it. And also play using the same kind of build. Don't worry that boss is extremely tough for a lower level for some reason, it doesn't seem like it scaled properly.

You will get better later on. I am level 32 now and really I with alchemy and some enchanted weapons I am almost unbeatable, i also recently specced some in dual wield and its great when you need to do up close and personal attacks, without the benefit of stealth. I was messing around in Whiterim(sp?) last night and killed 7 guards at once who were all attacking me.
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:22 am

I just registered to say that the rogue build is insanely powerful. I am ~level 33, using elven daggers and I can kill almost all things (humans, trolls, bears, ice wraiths, etc.) with a single hit as long as I can stay undetected. I just recently killed a named dragon with two hits from stealth.

Make sure you invest heavily in the Stealth perk tree. The 15x damage perk is a must. Get the Dark Brotherhood armor set and you will be doing 30x damage. Also, the bow is your friend. In situations where you can't realistically sneak up close to somebody, a stealthy shot or two from the bow goes a long way.

Basically, the rogue/assassin/thief build is powerful, at least up to where I am now.

One more thing, try not to level up off of pickpocketing too much. It's really easy to do, but will hurt you in the long run.
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:28 pm

I didn't really want to get into alchemy, The Witcher 2 made that a grating process, but I forgot about it all the same, I guess I'll have to explore that. As far as stealth, yes, but it's a very janky thing for me right now, I'll hit a guy in the head with an arrow from my Elven bow stealthed, with the arrow stealth talent, and he'll alert all his buddies. I sneak up to people and do it melee and they don't go down either, thus alerting whole areas to my presence, it's just not working like it was, and with no acrobatics or athletics I literally can't get away or regroup, I am forced to keep fighting, enemies are often much faster than I am.

I think dragon shouts are key here, I haven't "unlocked" them yet, so I should endeavor to do that in order to be competitive, even if it's contrary to the character I wanted.

What level are you? And what gear are you rolling with? If you have an Elven bow you must be around level 15? Do you have gear that aids stealth? Also, you should be one-shotting any normal mob with stealth arrow shot from an elven bow if you have the x3 perk. Even if your not you should still be hidden after the first hit. Don't panic unless the eye opens all the way. Also, shoot arrows past them in the opposite direction of you. This distracts them. If you stay still they should not see you. If you have some of the stealth armor sets from a couple of the faction quests they could basically bump into you and not see you so long as you're in the dark.
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jason worrell
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:58 am

I have no problem, I started a female Nord thief last night and got to level 9 easily.
Bandit lords at the end of a bounty quest? No problem.
For the first 7 levels I only wore a mage robe and hood, and all I use is bow and double daggers as well as sneak.

For a boss using something like a paralyze potion is a great idea, I have faced two bandit type bosses and a saber cat. It has so far been much easier than my warrior. The only time I have a issue is when I get surrounded. Even then that is rare, as long as you are aware of your surroundings.

It has been much easier than my warrior so far, and if you take your time and plan attacks carefully it will be a cake walk.
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:47 am

Hard to start, but once you hit 40 sneak, get the dagger perk. And have duel wield daggers it starts to even out. It's a lot of work though. There's a unique item that doubles sneak attack damage, so a x30 modifer is possible. You'll be getting those one hit kills in not time!
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[ becca ]
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:13 am

Have you perked power shot yet? I find it the most important perk for any bow using character, really helps you kite. You probably shouldn't be trying to use backstabs on bosses until you've got a pretty high sneak with the 15x damage on dagger backstabs.
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anna ley
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:44 pm

Edit: To those saying you aren't using certain things, I don't want to, I know the game pushes magic and warrior really hard but I don't want to play that way, I didn't in Oblivion and my khajiit was a god of stealth, assassination, movement, and power, it seems like the game wants you to go all in and use everything, but I don't want to do that, then it's all an amorphous grey blob as far as characterization goes.

Nobody is saying anything because you still haven't even said what level you are, what gear you use and how you're trying to go about things. Stealth builds are ridiculously powerful with the right stealth related gear. You don't have to use magic or shouts.
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