I'm trying to understand how DamageObject affects ObjectReferences, but after looking at the Creation Kit Wiki, examples, etc, I still can't understand quite what the Integer value does. I set it to anything below 1.0 and nothing happens. This makes sense. However, I set it to 1.0 or above (5.0, for example, below) and GetCurrentDestructionStage() always returns 1.0. Why?
Here is the script I'm using:
ScriptName ACGSpellBrisingr extends ObjectReferenceObjectReference refBurningOilEvent OnInit() refBurningOil = SELF.PlaceAtMe(Game.GetForm(0x000862CC)) ; xMarker position, 0x000862CC = oil RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.5) ; 0.5s delayEndEventEvent OnUpdate() refBurningOil.Enable() refBurningOil.DamageObject(5.0) ; Makes oil start to burn Debug.Notification("Damage Stage: " + refBurningOil.GetCurrentDestructionStage()) SELF.Delete() ; Destruct xMarkerEndEvent
I created an Explosion object which I attached it to. The Explosion was attached to a Magic Effect, which in turn was attached to a spell.
I've seen a few examples of DamageObject's usage in many of the game's script files, but the values don't seem to make any sense.
Also, while I'm here, can someone explain how Destruction stages work exactly?
Sorry if this has already been discussed. I couldn't find any sort of search bar...
Edit: I found the search bar...up the top.
Thanks in advance.