why cant ice wraiths just be undead who's souls were necromanced after being covered in ice?
I like this one.
Isn't it a given that we'll be visiting Pale Pass in Skyrim? I really hope that they provide more clues. I say 'clues' because I kind of like the mystery of it. The mystery is part of the fun (and maybe frustration).
Nope, it's not a given. We could be visiting it, but just cause it might be in the area doesn't mean bethesda will include it. Besides, we've been there. The only thing of interest was the Draconian Madstone.
What do you mean? I thought Kamal were natives to Akavir and alien to Tamriel.
Not the Kamal, the ice wraiths. There is no reason for the Ice wraiths to be from Akavir.
It was presupposing a possible invasion by the tiger-dragon. Didn't it say that the Tsaesci were the one thing holding them back? I recall reading that the tiger-dragons saying that they intend to invade Tamriel, as soon as they deal with their enemies, the Tsaesci.
You're thinking of mysterious Akavir. So, let's you bring you up to speed on that.
According to that text, the Ka'po'tun and Tsaesci don't like each other. The Ka'po'tun are, according to that text, led by Tosh Raka, who is supposedly the first of the tiger people to become a dragon. (note, the Ka'po'tun are not dragons, their tiger-people) This becoming of a dragon is probably actually Tosh Raka mantling Akatosh, the time-dragon, or, may be reflective of Ka'Po'Tun creation myths. either way, Tosh Raka is probably their version of Akatosh. The Tsaesci are, well, Akavir's version of men. (by version I mean their equivalent in a sort of symbolic, mythic sense, not a phenotypical sense) Ka'po'tun are basically the elves in this situation.
So, short of is, we've got no reason to think the tiger-people offed the snake people yet, and the only dragon around is probably Akatosh. This presupposes Mysterious Akavir is reliable in the least and wasn't written by a skooma addict.
And besides, with Alduin coming to end the world, why have any Akaviri race invade Skyrim? Alduin is the worst threat Skyrim faces. He's the rocks fall everyone dies of this setting. About the only thing that tops him in terms of doomsday scenarios is the dreamer waking up to go on a stroll down south boulevard.