His modus operandi is:
1. join a game (he likes the Australian ones where I play)
2. immediately turn on every ridiculous cheat (aimbot, speedhack, autofire, unlimited ammo etc.)
3. run around like a retard with trigger held down ruining everyone's game
4. wait for a votekick but most players are too lame/noob to vote him off
5. realise that certain people such as myself know how to kick him
6. initiate a vote against me or others who know how to kick him (BAD FarKinnell is another common victim here)
7. usually by now the noobs/lamers have discovered something is amiss so they actually manage to kick me off .. oh the humanity! **
8. now that I am gone there is even less chance of actually getting a successful votekick
9. rinse and repeat
Even though I like crysis and have over 250 hours logged I am getting to the point where I might go the way of Awes0m0 and give it up. I could play the US servers more but the time of day doesn't match well and the 250 ping isn't great.
Anyway, I think this pest is probably slightly retarded or adhd or something but just wondered if others had a similar experience?
** this is why I am here whinging instead of playing