I would buy a TB Fallout game. I love the old games.
As far as if it's viable.
They shouldn't have it as a major project if ya catch my drift, and have the entire team working on it.
Doesn't mean I want to have a super small team on it.
But map-size, since it only needs maps for each town and random encounters I'd say that the total mapsize would be maybe 10-20% of fallout 3's at most.
They wouldn't need voices for everyone either so they could cut back on the budget right there. (Only around 20 to 40 people would need talking heads)
I think that a medium small team with a an average budget could make a game the size of fallout 2.
Doesn't need to be bigger.
It's just that, a TB game just won't do as good as Fallout 3.
It just won't.
So if they want to make profit they'd have to cut back on the budget somewhat.
Not that it's a bad thing.
But I'm no game producer so I'm probably talking out of my ass on this subject. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)
Still, I do think that a TB Fallout game could do well, just not as well as Fallout 3.
And one final thing, I read somewhere "TB can't be as good for roleplaying as real time combat is".
Uh-huh.... Create 40 different characters in fallout 3 then go to oldney with only an assault rifle for each of them.
Where is the roleplay?
In combat you have few choices.
Change weapon.
Almost every character is the same when it comes to combat, all that's different is the stats.
Realtime is no better than TB when it comes to the role you've chosen when in combat. IMO

And it's not like the game is turnbased when you're in town and outside of combat and stuff. >_>