I'm trying to use a piece of clutter and attach a script to an activate event, but how do I allow the clutter to be activated (i.e. show an activate prompt when the player looks at it)?
I'm trying to use a piece of clutter and attach a script to an activate event, but how do I allow the clutter to be activated (i.e. show an activate prompt when the player looks at it)?
You need to make sure that is it is of the Activator object type.
Firstly, if it's a "vanilla" item (i.e. not a model from a mod), ensure that you have unpacked your BSA files - extracted them from their .bsa archive into individual files, preserving their filepaths. (I'm presuming here that you're wanting to change something like a table into an activator - something that already exists, but is not an activator.)
Now, go to your Creation Kit and look under Activators. Find something similar to what you want to use, change its ID and say 'yes' to create a new one. Now click on the 'browse' box for Model and change it to the model you want it to be e.g. bottle.nif
Make sure that your activator has a name. If it doesn't have a name, the player won't know to click on it.
Obviously make sure that you have attached your script(s) to it.
Does that help?
Very helpful, but how do I extract the model I want?
Not very kind - it's almost like you never had to learn anything new yourself .
Try http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1395/? or http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/247/?. BSAopt is more powerful but rather less intuitive to use.
I'm face-palming because I gave the answer... it's like copy paste. Not extracting BSAs.....
Princess Stomper explicitly said "ensure that you have unpacked your BSA files - extracted them from their .bsa archive into individual files" - and I'm guessing he hadn't yet had time to watch your video tutorial, because you never said anything about this in your post.
A misunderstanding, but not one that deserved a face-palm.
You don't need your BSA unpacked. The CK loads Skyrim - Meshes.bsa.
I was only trying to help. I must be wrong. And my video must be false.
Heh, still a misunderstanding. I wasn't saying you're wrong. Both you and Princess Stomper are right for doing different things, though I think your method may be easier. And I never said your video was wrong or that you weren't trying to be helpful.
I'm sorry I didn't explain better.
It's ok I'm sorry to, I'm a little on edge this evening, having a rough time with some steam workshop mod users. Sheesh.
And for my part, I took so long to type my response that you posted in the meantime so I didn't see your video.
For reference, though, it's best to avoid using the facepalm emote (unless you're literally typing something like "I forgot my car keys!" ) because it can so easily be misconstrued.
Useful info about not needing to unpack your BSA. That must be new for Skyrim.
Thanks to you as well. Sorry I didn't look at your video, I tend to prioritize text tutorials over video, it's just the way I learn.