» Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:39 pm
Want to know the truth? The first game I've played where I enjoy the campaign a lot more than the multiplayer, which I tend to abuse with my use of four-letter words at constantly, when in SP I can grab a DSG-1 and go "Right, you're down. You're down. This is quite fun."
I love the SP in this.
I probably wont be touching MP until Schy-Schmek get their schmit sorted.
Well they stand around and patrol in the campagain practically inviting you to headshot them, In multiplayer real people are much less predictable than AI.
As for those that complain about the multiplayer
"Be Fast, Be Strong, Be invisable"
The games slogan tells you how to play, so do it.
Sorry but I have to do it!!
What we really need is....
T4S KR4KKEN Clones, then we could all be together, think the same and be happy.....
I'd like to be MK1 T4S KR4KKEN Clone....
Every1 has a right to there opinion without being bich slapped by the local smacktarts.