However only one game seems to have got them right.
Team Fortress
And many others have gotten them so so wrong.
In Team Fortress Classic two engineer's turrets could stop a team for half an hour making every other class work harder to take them out, Snipers shooting from out of range, Spies using their abilities to get behing them, Demomen having to open alternative paths..
The turrets in Team Fortress could do serious damage, rotate 360' and actually track people to fire at them..
Brink's turrets are letting me down a little, and dont get me wrong i love the game but the engineer's turrets are usless.. KILLZONE also had terrible turrets so im not just picking on Brink.
Brink's described as a "Fast - paced action" shooter which "dynamically" lets you go wherever you want.. so why is it the turrets rotate only 45' and rotate slower than walking speed, i know the ability says "Once it acqures a target it rotates 360'" but thats no good if it only scans 45' directly infront of it.
As long as your not facing a turret head on a quick slide and a grenade takes out or avoids most turrets, and if your lucky enough to come up behind one operative or not, you can walk upto it, write your name on it and then melee it to death, surely they should be able to turn around ?
IF your lucky enough for your turret to actually kill someone i guarantee it didnt to it without taking damage, and again im uspet that im forced to look at my smoking turret and im not allowed to repair it untill its actually almost so dead they can sneeze on it and kill it before im allowed to fix it up.
Team Fortress allowed you to repair the turret as soon as it was damaged and even made it more difficult by giving the turrets a limited ammo supply.
Im not saying the turrets in Brink should be made to be EXACTLY like the ones in Team Fortress im just saying seeing what a stationary turret can do in one game youd think itd do the same in others