Hey guys i'm probably fighting a losing battle with this especially so close to the release, but the beginning of the game is now completely wrecked for me and others, since the coldharbor intro now sends you to the main town instead of the tutorials islands as it was meant to be, its very very messed up and new players will not have a clue, the npc speech is all messed up too..
Confusion at the start of a game is bad..
- As it is now
Coldharbor - Main town - (teleport to) Tutorial (if you wish) this makes very little sense game progression wise and really has destroyed the beginning game experience..
- What i propose
Coldharbor - Tutorial - (teleport to) Main town (if you wish) this at least has some semblance of progression and the impatient players can instantly jump to their main town after Coldharbor, to do whatever, the rest of us that actually enjoy a semblance of story and can just do what the game was designed for..
Everyone happy sort of.