I've noticed that many of the tweaks we used to use are gone from the INI file:
o bUseThreadedTempEffects=1 (default 0)
o bUseThreadedParticleSystem=1 (default 0)
o iNumHavokThreads=3 (default 1)
o bLoadBackgroundFaceGen=1 (default 0)
o bCloneModelsInBackground=1 (default 0)
? iPreloadSizeLimit=104857600 (default 26214400)
and so on.
I suppose the final version of the game changed all of this. Now I'm wondering if there are any effective tweaks left?
What tweaks should I then try on an older PC with 2Gb of RAM? Oh, I did find and install the "Unofficial Oblivion Patch."