The system in CoD works like this:
Jump towards an obstacle, you can climb (over/on top of) it.
Jump + crouch towards a window, you can jump through it.
Crouch while moving (sprinting?), you perform a dolhpin dive (Blops only).
The system in BRINK works like this:
Jump towards an obstacle, you can climb (over/on top of) it.
Jump towards a window, you can jump through it.
Crouch while sprinting, you perfrom a slide.
Essentially the same. BRINK enhances the range of jumps and climbing a little and makes it look more dynamic, but it doesn't re-invent the wheel.
Okay first off COD is announced every year in April, BUT it also trades of between Infinity Ward and Trayarch, and since IW is KIA who knows when MW3 is going to come out
The SMART system is as close to a new wheel as i think they can get nowadays, you can press ONE button and transverse across multible kinds of terrain depending on where you are looking AS well as using traditional jump and crouch.
COD you can press jump, WHEN the jump icon appears and it ONLY appears of pre-determend and pre-scripts obsticles, crouch-jumping through windows is about the only thing that required skill or luck, ALSO there is no sliding what so ever and NO the BlkOPS dolphin dive does not compare with being able to slide WHILE tracking a target.
And if anyone hasnt noticed games nowadays (mostly on consoles) dont last as long as they used too, even MW2, true its still going now but for the most part it lost its audience after about 8 months or so, ppl move on to new games alot quicker. Hopefully Brink will have some good staying power but regardless it will lose ALOT of ppl when BF3 comes out. This is just the way it is nowadays.
This is a perfect time for Brink to come out because the only other viable FPS competetion is KZ3 and maybe Homefront ( traded mine in after about 2 weeks

) You cant say that Brink is competeing with BlkOps because ppl who will continue to play it prolly wouldnt play Brink anyways
Just accept the fact that pretty much NO game can come out that doesnt on some level copy other games (does no one else see similarities in Brink and Team Fortress 1/2????? I know you all do )
AND thats fine!!! so what!!!??? Music copies old Music, Movies copy old Movies, Good or Bad why not have more remakes, I hope they remake all the classic old games, rather then just try and sell them on PSN for 9.99 (stupid PSone classic titles i can't believe i ever had the patience to play FFVII when it takes like 20 GD seconds just to enter a battle)