Your average person wouldn't order someone's murder without batting an eye.
"But some people in Tamriel do the Black Sacr..." And they are no better than the assassin who fulfills the contract.
Your average person wouldn't order someone's murder without batting an eye.
"But some people in Tamriel do the Black Sacr..." And they are no better than the assassin who fulfills the contract.
The point is they are not talking about male characters. Aside from Harkon and Miraak (and they are in the add-ons) I can't really think of a more 'twisted' male character in Skyrim vanilla.
I note that you were not referring to me in the above, but I am not a feminazi, far from it, but it is tough to see women portrayed in a negative light so much. Look at this list we're asked to vote on? I would have much rather seen a poll on twisted characters. Then there are the female NPCs that aren't twisted but just portrayed as [censored]y like Delphine. I love an evil person to hate as much as the next person but why do they mostly have to be women? I realize that it's artistic license and game design choices.
I don't think I am going to vote because there are just too many I consider too twisted to pick just one. Sorry for the rant.
Easy with the
Ha, quite. Oh no, women wanting to be treated as equals, HOW VERY FASCISTIC!
Lol, yes. And I hardly think pointing out that a cold-blooded woman of power like Maven has more similarities with men doing the same things, than with twisted psychopaths like Potema and Grelod is feminazism. If you think that... Then you seriously need to read up a little more on what feminism is. (Now I've rewritten this post like five times to avoid becoming political. )
Women eat their own's gross but it's socially accepted and I see no difference between eating that and other parts of the body. Personally I don't eat pork so I wouldn't eat people
ha I said the same thing a few posts back.
You're talking about Tamriel, people kill people all the time. Another thing is that Maven isn't an "average person", she's the head of a wealthy family that maintains power illegally...people like that have people killed in their world and ours without batting an eye.
Who is the Caller?
I voted for Eola. Her behavior wouldn't be normal even if she was a Bosmer, they do not eat others for fun and in fact avoid unnecessary murder because devouring a whole body is no small task. She must be seriously twisted if she crossed the cannibalism taboo.
However, if the question was "who is the most evil?", I'd vote for Grelod.
In what culture is it perfectly normal and socially acceptable to eat your placenta?