The most warped female NPC in Skyrim?
The most warped female NPC in Skyrim?
Hmm, that is tricky. I will probably have to go with Potema simply due to the sheer extent of her craziness. Lots of candidates but she takes the gold medal in my mind.
Grelod the Kind though, I really think everyone in skyrim is a little bat [censored].
Potema. Astrid is just a workaholic and Babette just likes to frolic and have fun like any other little girl, The Caller just thinks she's all that because she can cast a few conjuration spells. Elenwen just has everybody in her bed, Eola has no idea what she's talking about when it comes to my past, Gabriella is a woman of refined, yet simple tastes, Grelod is just a grumpy old crone, Jenassa is an artist, Ingun's a bit derpy, Maven is entitled, Lu'Ah is corrupted by her grief and misplaced hatred, Muiri is thrice a victim-she lost a friend, she was used, and she was thrown away, but perhaps Sybille could almost tie up with Potema. I wouldn't want to end up in the Solitude dungeons.
Definately Potema. You're talking about one of the most insane necromancers in the history of Tamriel.
Got to admit, Grelod and Potema being par-for-par is more than a little bit surprising. I'm kind of hoping it's just because Potema in-game isn't all that, and not because the world outsourced its sense of perspective to Muiri
Falanu Hlaalu
Delphine (twisted role and priorities)
Grelod the Kind
God, so many evil brauds on this list to choose from...but ultimately I have to say Potema. Even in death, she's still fcukin' evil.
Eola. She eats people. WITHOUT being a vampire or werewolf. I think it's hard to get more screwed up than that.
Jenassa. Voted for her because I can recall the time we were trawling a dungeon together and, somewhere behind me, I heard her say "Walk always in shadows" and, later on, "I know nothing of fear or remorse."
I was going to make her my Dunmer sacrifice for Septimus Signus's elf blood harvester ... but, just as I went to shoot her, she said "We are one of the same kind" ... and I couldn't do it.
I assume they only eat hostile enemies, not kidnapping innocents.
If I recall correctly, Wood Elves ritualistically eat their dead. With fava beans, and a nice Chianti.
EDIT: My avatar really does not go well with the above sentence...
I certainly wouldn't mind a glass (or few).
Pretty much this (except for the fava beans and the Chianti - if a wood elf is religious enough to eat their dead, they're also religious enough to avoid any plantbased food and drink!)
Eola, OTOH, would probably love swap recipes with good ol'Hannibal. She might even invite him for dinner.