I'm currently working on a mod, and the part I am up to requires eye replacement. I am doing an Eye mod for fallout, so this information will come in handy for that too.
What I'm looking to do is have one set of eyes where the player can have each eye a different colour. For example, the left eye blue and the right, green. Any tips on how to do this?
Whether it's possible will depend on the UV mapping. If each eye is mapped to the same area on the texture, they'll always be the same, and I imagine that's the case. To change that, you'd have to replace the model with one that's mapped differently, which is much more difficult than a texture replacement.
I used to use the Beautiful People mod before switching to Race Balancing Project. I remember Beautiful People having some really cool eye sets of different colors. The character in my avatar actually has one milky "dead" eye from Beautiful People.
I am a little confused about where you are in the process, but you can create new eyes by duplicating an existing eye record in the CS and changing the name and texture path. You probably want to change the EDID of the duplicated record too. You can do all of this with TES4Edit too of course. You should look at a plugin that contains heterochrome eyes (i.e., Elaborate Eyes) to see how the mod is structured.
Edit: If my memory serves me correctly, there is not a special procedure for using heterochrome textures. When you create or modify eye records in the CS, the texture file you choose contains the data for both eyes.
I just need to get some UV map templates for the models. I'm not exactly sure these models are available for public use however. Does anyone know any remapped eye meshes that are available for use?
As many mods release eye textures for the vanilla eye mesh, I assume you can just use an existing eye texture as a model. If you want to be safe, send a message to the author of one of the eye mods to find out directly.
Edit: Try sending a message to LFact. I cannot pull the name of a modeler that made a cosmetic mod off the top of my head, which is kind of sad...
Edit: Maybe you can try sending a message to The Vyper, as he helped someone that needed a UV map here: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1088591-blender-export-help/.
I sent a mail to Nequam to ask if I could use his eye models. He has replied and said it's fine. So now I have the permission, I just need to figure out what to do. I'll have a look at how they work in the 'Elaborate eyes' mod and try to recreate it with my own textures.
Hit an issue. I converted the meshes from Oblivion to Fallout and added the texture data in nifSkope, but whenever I load them in the GECK, it crashes. I haven't tried in the CS yet, although there isn't really any point, seeing as they work with EE, it would jut be a case of retexing.