Two Handed Build?

Post » Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:43 am

So basically I want to know what two handed weapon I should use and what armor to use? Light or Heavy?

I currently main a high elf that I once made a pure mage, and sort of turned him into a jack of all trades kinda character because I find maiming one path seems boring. Anyways, I currently roll with a Drainblood Battleaxe (44 Damage) and Stormcloak Officer Gear (Light). It seems to do the job but there has to be some better build that somebody could please tell me about. I don't really like great swords but battleaxes and war hammers seem to be fit for me so tell me, Light or Heavy Armor? Warhammer or Battleaxe?

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Post » Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:41 am

Well it all depends on what you're going for. As most people know-

Heavy armour = Better damage absorption + Louder, slower & heavier

Light armour = Quieter, Faster & Lighter + Less damage absorption

Warhammer = Slower swinging & Heavier + Slight increase in damage

Battleaxe = slighty faster swinging & lighter + Decrease in damage

Those are the facts and it's really up to you to decide on your own personal preferences. I personally like to combine one-handed with light armour but many people will tell you differently.

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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:53 am

I like light armor for my orc barbarian who wields a greatsword. The added mobility over heavy armor is nice when facing hordes of bandits.

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Lauren Dale
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